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The billionaire Paul G. Allen said on Thursday that he would donate $100 million to the fight against Ebola, which has killed almost 5,000 people so far and crippled Western Africa.

The amount roughly quadruples his earlier commitment of about $26 million to nonprofit groups and government agencies like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, making him one of the largest individual donors in the Ebola crisis.

“Everybody feels called sometimes to really pursue a certain thing that resonates with them, and this has resonated with me,” Mr. Allen, a co-founder of Microsoft, said in a telephone interview on Thursday.

He said when he first began hearing about the Ebola outbreak in July, he had a “nagging sense” that it could spiral out of control. “We’re up against an extremely tough opponent here,” he said. “The exponential nature of the growth of this disease is really a challenge — we’ve already seen in the U.S. where one case quickly became two.”

Ebola has stymied the nonprofit fund-raising machine, which quickly floods inboxes, social media and airwaves with solicitations after a major disaster strikes. But in the aftermath of a flood or earthquake, there is a promise of recovery, whereas the odds of recovering from Ebola are daunting and the type of assistance needed that would make a difference is less clear.

The fight against Ebola "has resonated with me,” said Paul G. Allen, a co-founder of Microsoft. Credit Béatrice de Géa for The New York Times

Mr. Allen has created a website,, to direct small donors to projects that need financing, like 6,000 hand-washing stations or beds for a center treating patients infected with the virus, and he is underwriting the administrative costs of the highlighted projects. The website also spotlights organizations working to fight Ebola that Mr. Allen is supporting.

So far, though, it has attracted only a small number of donors. Seven donors have contributed a total of $583.66 toward the hand-washing stations, though Mr. Allen said he was hopeful that awareness was growing. He also has underwritten public service announcements and been posting on Twitter from @PaulGAllen:

“I’m trying to galvanize and coordinate some of the different groups and the attack on some of the key issues,” he said.

Part of Mr. Allen’s money will go to the University of Massachusetts Medical School to underwrite training, medical workers and lab equipment in Liberia, where the public health system struggles for funding and many district hospitals are closed. The goal is to reopen these medical facilities so they not only can care for victims but also provide routine health care that has been all but abandoned during the crisis.

“I got a taste when I was in Kenya a while ago of what medical care was in rural Africa,” Mr. Allen said. “I was in a town of about 10,000 people, and a shipping container with a rusty microscope was their medical clinic.”

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Another problem is recruitment of medical professionals, in part because there is no clearly defined system laid out for their treatment and evacuation should they become infected. Mr. Allen’s money will go toward the development of two evacuation and containment units in partnership with the United States State Department. Additional money will help the World Health Organization better coordinate the logistics involved in getting health care workers to where they are needed.

More of his money will help create a fund at the Silicon Valley Community Foundation designed to cover the gap between what insurance would cover should a medical professional need evacuation and the actual cost.

“This is really more about trying to attack every element of this problem,” Mr. Allen said. “This disease expands at an exponential rate, so there is a need for exponentially more health care workers.”

Mr. Allen, who can be shy, has been a quiet philanthropist, giving away some $1.5 billion of his wealth through a family foundation he established with his sister, Jody. His philanthropy has backed institutes for brain science and artificial intelligence, and he has also given money for the School for Global Animal Health at Washington State University.

He also has supported causes and interests through a film company called Vulcan Productions (in a nod to Mr. Allen’s passion for space travel) that has produced documentaries like “Girl Rising” and television series like “Strange Days on Planet Earth.”

In 2005, “Rx For Survival: A Global Health Challenge,” produced by Vulcan and narrated by Brad Pitt, was shown on PBS. Ebola was one of the challenges facing the world that was covered in the series.

But it was perhaps an earlier contribution to underwrite research on an Ebola vaccine at Kansas State University that prompted his interest in and concern about the disease. “There was a vaccine that got developed and was tried in chimps, but its efficacy was never tested,” he said. “It was a bit of a dead end, but it planted a seed in my consciousness.”

Correction: October 23, 2014
An earlier version of this article referred incorrectly to two institutes supported by Paul Allen’s donations. The institutes for brain science and artificial intelligence that he has backed are in Seattle, not at Washington State University.