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Barry Smitherman Objects to the Labeling of ‘Hate Groups’

Ever heard of Crusaders for Yahweh?

We hadn’t, either, but Barry Smitherman has and apparently he’s upset that the Southern Poverty Law Center has listed the Crusaders of Yahweh—and other “patriot, mormon and judeo-christian religious groups”—as hate groups.

A River No More

We made a bet long ago that the rains would always come. So we failed to plan. Now the rains have ceased, and the demands are incalculable.

‘Both Sides’ Heard at Climate Change Panel

The global scientific authority on climate change released its fifth global assessment this month, finding that human-induced warming of the planet is “unequivocal” and […]

UT-Arlington Remembers Kennedy Visit in Photos

November 22, 1963 became one of the darkest days in American history—and in Texas—when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated during his visit to […]

Observer Podcast Episode 27: Fracking Wastewater, Psychedelic Rock, and What Ted Cruz Really Wants

Greg Harman stops by to talk about his recent story “Waste Land” in which Frio County deals with the constant stream of wastewater created by hydraulic fracturing in the Eagle Ford Shale.

Sins of Omission: One Little-Known Way Schools Can Cheat the System

In the high-stakes world of school accountability, the line between cheating and smart management isn’t always clear.

UPDATED: National Coalition Files Legal Challenge to Texas Anti-Abortion Law

Today in federal court, a coalition of reproductive rights organizations filed a legal challenge to House Bill 2, the controversial anti-abortion bill passed by the Texas Legislature this summer.

“It Took Twenty Lives To Get Us To This Place.”

In the wake of a federal report released last week, U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced Wednesday new measures to address a trend of […]

Texas, Are You Ready For Voter ID?

No sooner had the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a key section of the Voting Rights Act this summer than Texas Attorney General Greg […]

What Texans Talk About When We Talk About Art

The Texas Biennial coincides with an increasing quality and scope of work across the state—work concerned with the same issues of location, opportunity and transition that nag the Western world at large.