
A Chesapeake Energy natural gas well site. (credit: AP Photo/Ralph Wilson)

Arlington To Allow More Gas Drilling

Arlington has allowed plans to go forward for more natural gas drilling despite two recent small earthquakes in the area.

19 hours ago


Texas Amends Waste Disposal Rules For Fracking

The Texas Railroad Commission has amended rules for disposal well operators amid concerns that high-pressure injections can trigger earthquakes.


(Photo GARETH FULLER/AFP/Getty Images)

Houston Drilling Company Baker Hughes To Disclose Fracking Chemicals

Environmental groups and local communities have for years been pushing for full disclosure of the chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing, a drilling technique also known as fracking.


(credit: CBS 11 News)

City Of Denton Sued Over Fracking Moratorium

A group of mineral royalty owners has sued the city of Denton over its temporary ban on hydraulic fracturing, claiming the ban violates property rights.


(credit: Gareth Fuller - WPA Pool/Getty Images)

New Study Looks At Fracking & Groundwater Contamination

A new study suggests hydraulic fracturing, or fracking may not directly cause groundwater contamination at some oil and gas well sites.

CBS 11–09/15/2014

(credit: Gareth Fuller - WPA Pool/Getty Images)

Study: Leaky Wells, Not Fracking, Taint Water

The drilling procedure called fracking didn’t cause much-publicized cases of tainted groundwater in areas of Pennsylvania and Texas, a new study finds. Instead, it blames the contamination on problems in pipes and seals in natural gas wells.


(credit:  Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Study: North Texas Drilling Adds $11.8B To Economy

Production from the natural gas-rich Barnett Shale in North Texas has risen even as drilling activity and natural gas prices have fallen.


(credit:  Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Texas Proposes Tougher Rules On Wells After Quakes

The Texas Railroad Commission has proposed tightening regulations for injection wells as scientists explore a potential link between high-pressure wastewater disposal and the earthquakes rattling North Texas.


(Photo: NIGEL TREBLIN/AFP/Getty Images)

Texas Seismologist Says Quakes Have Continued

Researchers at Southern Methodist University are studying whether the seismic activity is linked to high-pressure injection wells where hydraulic fracturing fluids are disposed.


(credit: FREDERICK FLORIN/AFP/Getty Images)

Federal Study: Less Shake From Artificial Earthquakes

Man-made earthquakes, a side effect of some high-tech energy drilling, cause less shaking and in general are about 16 times weaker than natural earthquakes with the same magnitude.



Voters To Determine Fate Of Fracking Ban

The Denton City Council has decided voters will determine the fate of a controversial ban on hydraulic fracturing in the city.


A drilling rig explores for gas. (credit: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)

Denton Leaders Send Fracking Ban To Voters

City council members in Denton on Tuesday night could have made history by approving a ban on fracking. But instead, voters will have the final word.

