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US Military Army net zero, Navy green city

Published on October 29th, 2014 | by Tina Casey


Army Net Zero, Navy Green City — Hey, What’s Going On Here?

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October 29th, 2014 by  

Back in 2011 the US Army launched the ambitious Army Net Zero Vision, designed to transform its facilities from energy-sucking, infinitely thirsty creatures generating mounds of trash into lean, off-grid operations where nothing goes to waste. Meanwhile, in 2012 the Office of Naval Research partnered with Thailand to create the World Green City at Chiang Mai Rajabhat University. Both projects are in the news this week, so here’s a recap of the latest developments.

Army net zero, Navy green city

Courtesy of US Army (image cropped).

Army Net Zero

CleanTechnica covered the Army’s Net Zero Vision when it launched in 2011. The primary goal is to improve readiness, effectiveness and resiliency by applying net zero principles to energy and water consumption, and waste management.

The original Net Zero mission statement was vigorously unapologetic about the concept underlying those goals. That would be sustainability, and here’s the Net Zero Vision as initially described:

We are creating a culture that recognizes the value of sustainability measured not just in terms of financial benefits, but benefits to maintaining mission capability, quality of life, relationships with local communities, and the preservation of options for the Army’s future.

The Army appears to have taken down the original Net Zero site (drop us a note in the comment thread if you can find a link) and absorbed it into ASAIEE, the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy and Environment.

The ASAIEE Vision Statement is quite a bit more subdued:

Enhance Army mission effectiveness and resilience in a prudent, efficient, and forward thinking manner.

However, don’t let the Army’s dance around the s-word fool you. The Net Zero program is steaming full speed ahead, according to a report released by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory earlier this week.

The NREL Army Net Zero Report

The new NREL Army Net Zero Report focuses on nine pilot sites, which were included in the original launch of the initiative.


Of the nine, six are primarily addressing the energy aspect of net zero, which involves going off grid in favor of on site or hyperlocal renewable energy.

That group consists of California’s Camp Parks Reserve Forces Training Area, Fort Hunter Liggett, and Sierra Army Depot as well as Kwajalein Atoll in the Republic of the Marshal Islands, West Point in New York, and Fort Detrick in Maryland.

In addition, the Oregon Army National Guard is doing a multi-part net zero energy initiative that covers all of its facilities statewide.

Fort Bliss in Texas and Fort Carson in Colorado are going the full monty with net zero energy, water, and waste.

Just those nine sites together account for about 8 percent of the Army’s overall energy use at its installations.

In other words, replacing fossil fuels at those sites with on site or hyperlocal renewable energy lops 8 percent off the Army’s fossil fuel dependency for its installations right then and there (vehicle fuel is a whole ‘nother can of worms).

Concurrently, the nine pilot sites have also achieved a collective 25 percent drop in energy consumption. NREL projects that if those savings could be achieved across all Army facilities, both in the US and overseas, the savings would tote up to 20 trillion BTUs and $300 million in annual energy costs.

For a complete rundown on the program up through 2013 you can check out NREL’s latest report, “Army Net Zero Energy Roadmap and Program Summary.”

The Navy Green City

We’ve been covering the Navy’s biofuel initiatives regularly, but this branch of the Armed Services also has a number of other sustainability initiatives up its sleeve and the Green City is one of them.

Officially dubbed the Chiang Mai World Green City, the effort was launched two years ago. As with Army Net Zero, the goal is to power the community with on site renewable energy.

So far the project includes solar energy with energy storage and a DC microgrid covering more than 20 buildings at Chiang Mai RajabhatUniversity. That includes housing, offices, commercial sites, and a produce farm spread out over 200 acres.

Partnering in the project provides the Navy with a living, real-world test bed for powering its overseas facilities with renewable energy. Applying the concept to seagoing vessels is a twinkle in the Navy’s eye right now, but that could also be in store for the future.

According to the Office of Naval Research, the Green City is a success. Part of that has to do with the choice of AC (alternating current) over DC (direct current):

The system at Chiang Mai can deliver DC electricity from an array of solar cells to locations on campus without having to convert to alternating current (AC) because it does not need to tie into a main power grid. The electricity is being produced locally to power modern devices such as computers and lighting, which already come equipped with DC inputs. This saves money and requires no extra equipment to convert DC to AC, a process that can result in a reduction of power.

The Navy also notes that the technology is already in place to deliver relatively small, transportable DC power plants that can run exclusively on renewable energy, which is a perfect fit for the Navy’s requirements.

Next up for the Office of Naval Research is Vietnam, where the agency anticipates collaborating on a pilot project to power remote communities with the nation’s rich renewable resources including solar, biomass, wind, geothermal, and hydro.

That project will build on lessons learned in renewable energy hotspot Hawaii. The Navy is a significant stakeholder in the state’s transition to energy independence, which includes a heavy dose of microgrid pilot projects.

Stay tuned.

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About the Author

Tina Casey specializes in military and corporate sustainability, advanced technology, emerging materials, biofuels, and water and wastewater issues. Tina’s articles are reposted frequently on Reuters, Scientific American, and many other sites. Views expressed are her own. Follow her on Twitter @TinaMCasey and Google+.

  • Michael Berndtson

    One facet of being green is to be frugal and smart. Here’s an example of Swedes making a sub that is much stealthier and much much cheaper than what we produce:

    Simply turning the money faucet on for defense contractors may not be the best approach to solving all problems.

    • Michael G

      Unless the problem you are trying to solve is getting more campaign contributions.

      • Michael Berndtson

        Probably the most accurate comment ever made on the internet.

  • Kyle Field

    As a US taxpayer, the fact that at least some of the tax money going towards the DoD is going to be used to put in solar makes me smile. The Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs has a large solar installation out front that evokes a similar reaction :)

  • Michael G

    I always enjoy your items Ms. Casey. Keep up the good work.

    As test cases, engineering development, and proof of concept, the military has always done important work. The cell phone is basically a minitaturized walkie-talkie, and the internet is an offshoot of an army financed research project.

    The amount of GHG the US military emit looks impressive when you see a tank rolling by but it is dwarfed by GHG’s from ordinary trucks delivering milk and amazon goodies and cars are many times bigger emitters than trucks. The US energy use is usually measured in Quadrillion BTUS so saving Trillions of BTUs sounds impressive but it is barely a blip on the charts.

    The reason they can get funding for this is because they are concerned with cyber-attacks on an increasingly computer-dependent grid. Also, military bases are often in remote locations where getting diesel fuel is an expensive proposition.

    Also, I don’t think it is lost on anyone that our conflicts seem highly correlated with the location of oil reserves. There are civil wars around the world as bad or worse than Syria’s but no oil = no news.

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