
Houston Authorities Searching For ‘Serial Defecator’

Updated May 8, 2014 1:08 PM
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(Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

(Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

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HOUSTON (CBSDFW.COM) – Deputies with the Harris County Precinct One Constable’s Office say a man has been terrorizing a neighborhood in the Woodland Heights area of Houston by going to the bathroom in several yards at night.

“We’ve had reports from six to eight neighbors out there that someone is actually coming into their yard and defecating — generally on their driveways,” said Sgt. J.C. Mosier.

Authorities believe the unknown man is committing the act between 1:00 and 4:00 a.m., but a motive for crimes has not yet been established.

“I think the neighbors are laughing about it, but that’s because it’s only happened to two houses in the neighborhood. If it starts happening more, I think people might become enraged,” says Amy, who lives in the Heights. “How much poop can one man make though?”

She says one person’s house has even been hit as many as six times.

“I’m thinking revenge poop is definitely a possibility. We’re all wondering, what did this person who’s having the creep-crapper hit their house repeatedly do?”

Sgt. Mosier agrees that revenge could be the motive, as he recalls a similar event many years ago in the Houston area.

Sgt. J.C. Mosier

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“It turned out to be a neighbor who was mad at people for letting their dogs come in his yard and not cleaning up after them,” said Mosier. “He decided to get his own revenge.”

Though it has been amusing for some in the neighborhood, law enforcement officials are taking the case very seriously and have beefed up patrols in the area to catch the man.

“You have to worry about anybody that would go this extreme to do something, no matter what the reason. You don’t know what a person like that is capable of.”

Still pictures from surveillance video footage shows the suspect to be an older, balding Hispanic man with a moustache who wears shorts.

“We’re getting a few calls from people who might know who he is,” said Mosier. “As of yet, he’s not been arrested.”

Follow Joe Gomez on Twitter @JoeGomezKRLD.

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