
Abbott, Davis Talk Gubernatorial Election

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Greg Abbott-Wendy Davis

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DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) – Early voting for the Texas gubernatorial race between Republican candidate Greg Abbott and Democratic competitor Wendy Davis began on Monday.

The two squared off in a final debate on Sept. 30, focusing on Ebola, ethics and education.

Davis, who represents District 10 in the Texas Senate, remains confident in her chances, despite facing an uphill battle according to most polls.

“If our voters show up and vote, we will win. There is no question about that,” Davis said.

Abbott has been the Attorney General of Texas since 2002.

The election will take place on Nov. 4. Libertarian Party candidate Kathie Glass and Green Party candidate Brandon Parmer will also be on the ballot.

KRLD’s Mitch Carr spoke with Davis and Abbott about their stances on a number of issues and the ongoing election.

Wendy Davis

wendy davis1 Abbott, Davis Talk Gubernatorial Election
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Greg Abbott

greg abbott primary speech Abbott, Davis Talk Gubernatorial Election
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