Eat this Dallas Dish, Not That: Local Alternatives to the Men's Health 20 Worst Foods in America

Categories: Lists

Cinnabon Caramel Pecanbon.jpg

This is a bad bad list, people. Nasty. Men's Health has published a list of the top 20 Worst Foods in America. Usually it's fun to look at gut bombs, but after cruising through this list you'll want to brush your teeth and wash your face.

The list is part of Men's Health on-going "Eat This, Not That" series. For instance, instead of the large Cinnabon Caramel Pecanbon, they suggest a four pack of the Cinnabon classic bites (also sold at Burger King) for just 420 calories, 17 grams of fat and 25 grams of sugar.

Ah, but yet another failed diet plan. Maybe if you plan to run 10 miles the Cinnabon bites are OK. Otherwise this is just the lesser of two evils.

Here's a look at a few items off the "Eat This, Not That", but with an even better local option.

The queen of the disco here, coming in at number one on the list shaking their shameless portly figure in a tight white unitard in the middle of the dance floor is The Cheesecake Factory's French Toast Napoleon. One plate (it can't be one "serving," because their plates are usually enough for a family of seven) has 2,530 calories; the fat content is "N/A" -- self preservation?

Instead, you should eat TCF's 690-calorie Energy Breakfast, which is scrambled egg whites with chicken breast, tomato, mushrooms and spinach. Half of that would actually be a good breakfast.

Lori Brandi
Rosemont's oatmeal waffles

Even Better Local Option: Belly up to a table at the Rosemont for the oatmeal waffles, a bowl of steel-cut Irish oats, or Smoke's granola parfait with caramelized bananas wrapped in a soft golden sheen. Or if you need something with more muscle, try the Deep Bowl at Company Café -- grass-fed beef and sweet potato has, topped with avocado and two cage free eggs.

The Worst Burger is Chili's Southern Smokehouse Bacon Burger. Men's Health describes it as a, "blatant display of excess translates into a sandwich with more calories than seven McDonald's cheeseburgers and more than four times your recommended daily allotments of salt and saturated fat."

Even Better Local Option: Liberty Burger offers burgers not so guilt-laden. They have a lean bison burger, a Woodstock burger loaded with vegetables and an all white meat chicken patty that is ground with nuts and berries. Slap that on either a cracked wheat of organic Hippy Pullman bread and you're golden.

Location Info

Il Cane Rosso

2612 Commerce St., Dallas, TX

Category: Restaurant

Rosemont - CLOSED

2912 Elm St., Dallas, TX

Category: Music

Southpaw's Organic Cafe

6009 Berkshire Lane, Dallas, TX

Category: Restaurant

Liberty Burger

5211 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX

Category: Restaurant

Malai Thai Vietnamese Kitchen

3699 McKinney Ave., Dallas, TX

Category: Restaurant

My Voice Nation Help
primi_timpano topcommenter

LDD, Jerry once told me his Margherita pizza is less than 500 calories.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

I love vegetables.  If you think about it, there are thousands to choose from.  How many meat choices are available to most people?  Chicken, turkey, pork, beef, lamb.  I never boil vegetables, however.  Sauteeing, grilling and roasting brings out such a luscious sweetness and nuttiness in them.  And the condiments, especially Asian, bring a huge boost in flavor with them.  And fresh, never frozen or canned. 



    What kind of man eats: 

Cinnabon Caramel Pecanbon?

The Cheesecake Factory's French Toast Napoleon?


Are you sure this is a list for men? Sounds like sh+t my wife eats. 


You all better be marvels of fitness for all the bitching and moaning you do from high about calories.


And keep in mind alcohol isn't a calorie free beverage...


 @primi_timpano Sounds about right. And so half a pizza, which is a meal, is just 250. Imma go get one now. 

primi_timpano topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz Do not forget steaming. As Scruffy rightly noted, many frozen vegetables are excellent. Bird's Eye makes excellent peas.


 @Myrna.Minkoff-Katz Your point?


Plus frozen fruits and vegetables, depending on the time of year and what they are, can be vastly superior to "fresh" because they're frozen ripe on-site and not picked early and trucked. And I don't know anyone from top chefs to home chefs who don't consider canned whole tomatoes infinitely better than all but the best and most local in-season tomatoes.

primi_timpano topcommenter

@kergo1spaceship Children, teenagers and fat adults eat this stuff.




Alcohol isn't calorie free? But all of those tollway douchers in tight shirts think it is.......oh, the humanity!  

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

 @Scruffygeist I stand corrected.  Canned tomatoes are one brilliant exception.  San Marzano only, and used in marinara for pasta, or straight out of the can as a pizza topping.  I don't like cooked tomato sauce on a pizza.




that's "essatly"  what I was thinking, that's why I was surprised it was MEN's health that wrote the article. 


@kergo1spaceship @primi_timpano @Myrna.Minkoff-Katz Right on Kergo, yet I am having withdrawals. Someone call me an extremist, STAT!

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

 @Scruffygeist As far as frozen vegetables, corn or peas in a pinch.  Anything else frozen is dreck.  And I was not discussing fruit here, btw.

primi_timpano topcommenter

@danielslauren @Scruffygeist You are going to increase your fan base.

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