Harold Seifert


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"Silence is golden when you can't think of a good answer."

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  1. BMW UK
  2. Kessler Crane
  3. Jüdisches Museum Wien
  4. Cinema Out of Your Backpack
  5. justinsuperstar
  6. Keith
  7. nagash
  8. ANTIVJ is a visual label
  9. Rico Tan
  10. AREA Science Park
  11. Andy Galletly
  12. Danny Garcia
  13. BIDtv
  14. Sparkling Science
  15. Soxiam
  16. Tremaine Darby
  17. UiB - Universitetet i Bergen
  18. Aarhus Universitet

+ See all 26

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  1. Nice job, man! thanks!
  2. Good job! Stay cool!
  3. Awesome features! Great!
  4. Great job! I could learn more.