Fracking Scientists Agree: Gas Wells Leak In Canada, But Not In New York or Pennsylvania.

by Chip Northrup on June 30, 2012

in hydraulic fracturing

For some reason yet to be explained, gas wells appear to leak everywhere on the planet but New York, Pennsylvania, and parts of Parker County, Texas. Curiously, they leak like rusty sieves in Canada, possibly due to the extreme cold and watery beer imbibed by the bi-lingual casing crews, eh ?,11458,11455,11228,3385,5460,2936,Documents&MediaID=36524&Filename=szatkowski.pdf

 Richard found these leakers described in a published scientific journal – by Canadians (caution advised, eh ?)

But these leaky Canadian wells, you will note,  are nowhere near any Range Resources shale gas wells in  Parker County, Texas . . .

Nor do they leak anywhere near Cabot’s shale gas wells in Pennsylvania – according to the scientists at Cabot:

Nor do they leak anywhere near the Penn State Institute of Fracking Apologists

The geology and hydrology of New York evidently prevents this from happening, according to the scientists at the DEC. Because, if it did, that would exacerbate global warming, which, according to the scientists at the DEC, does not exist

Therefore, since there is no global warming, gas wells cannot leak.  Except, evidently in Canada. And offshore. And Australia. And odd-ball places like that.



{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

DEB June 30, 2012 at 5:49 pm

Ah, but we all know that if we look at the records they all leak. A peek at PA records just so far in 2012 in PA shows that 7.2% of them leak right off the bat.


Alma Hasse July 2, 2012 at 11:43 am

Chip and Sharon, you can add Idaho to the list.

We’ve heard Mr. John Peiserich– lawyer for Snake River Oil and Gas and Halliburton lobbyist extraordinaire– state at public meetings that there will not be any problems with drilling here in our great state– after all, they are only “mini-fracking” or “chemically stimulating” the wells.

Our very competent Governor Otter (pun intended) of course backed them up in a news conference immediately following his 2012 State of the State speech where he informed reporters that they will not be using any chemicals! It’s a bit strange though that they passed bills in the 2012 Legislature session that ALLOWED the use of chemicals and made them secret with the industry caveat of “proprietary, confidential”.

I’m sleeping so much better these days knowing– that despite the odds– Idaho will not have any of the problems that PA, TX, WY, CO, AR, OK, WV, LA, etc. have all had!


Chip Northrup July 2, 2012 at 4:52 pm

Lucky Idahoans

According to the government and industry scientist, any gas released by a wellbore has to stay put and not come up into the water table, where it might play hell with the trout. And hops. And spuds. Like it says in Deuteronomy. Or Mother Goose,


DebC June 11, 2013 at 1:29 pm

Ha! Oddly enough, we Canadians are told the same thing, only in reverse. Wells don’t leak in Canada, only in the States. Or, if they do leak, they haven’t contaminated anything. Yet. Right.


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