2.6M fracking earthquake in North Texas

by TXsharon on December 12, 2012

in earthquakes

Same area as the others.

Event Page

My bad. There was a 2.8 M earthquake in the Snyder, Texas area on December 8th but fracking earthquakes in Texas are ao yesterday’s news. Event Page

As usual, please exercise common sense about fracking earthquakes.

UPDATE: When these quakes happen, people report damage to their homes and foundations. What do you think it does to the 16K wells that have ONE INCH of concrete to protect our drinking water?

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

kim Feil December 13, 2012 at 6:50 am

“Soooo how did those 100 or so casings hold up last night after the quake? I’m talking about those laterals that were drilled underneath our drinking water source, Lake Arlington! Migration happens ya’ll-cement doesn’t last-cracks happen…..don’t drink the tap until they test for ALL drilling effulents…oh wait some fracking chemicals that get to stay down there are top secret.”


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