William Saletan William Saletan

Will Saletan writes about politics, science, technology, and other stuff for Slate. He’s the author of Bearing Right.

Oct. 20 2014 7:13 PMDeadly AdviceWhen it comes to Ebola, ignore American public opinion: It’s ignorant and misinformed about the disease.
Oct. 14 2014 5:38 PMArchbishop, Confess!Does Archbishop Charles Chaput give Catholic Republicans wiggle room on the death penalty?
Oct. 9 2014 3:19 PMBush HuggersDemocrats running for office would rather attach themselves to leading Republicans than their own president.
Human Nature
Oct. 3 2014 12:57 PMHow Choice Can Stop AbortionsLong-acting reversible contraceptives can cut the teen abortion rate by 75 percent.
Sept. 23 2014 6:40 PMCoalition of the PresentableDon’t believe the official version. Meet America’s real allies in the fight against ISIS.
Frame Game
Sept. 11 2014 5:53 PMCandid JusticeSurveillance technology is taking away our privacy—and punishing people who deserve to be punished.
Sept. 2 2014 5:52 PMWhy Israel Is No Better Than RussiaIt’s using the same twisted arguments to rationalize its illegal land grab in the West Bank.
Aug. 19 2014 12:00 PMWill Obama Allow Mission Creep in Iraq?There are some small signs that he already is.
Frame Game
Aug. 8 2014 5:35 PMThis Is Not WarYes, we’re bombing Iraq. But the U.S. intervention is not going to escalate. 
Aug. 4 2014 5:00 PMThe Horrific Results of Israel’s Good IntentionsHow a civilized nation can descend into war crimes.
July 31 2014 12:43 PM12 Signs It’s Time to Get Out of GazaOperation Protective Edge needs to end.
Frame Game
July 25 2014 6:00 AM“Skip the Commentary, Find the Reporting”How Will Saletan kept up with this week’s news from Israel and Gaza.
Frame Game
July 16 2014 8:24 PMHamas Is Destroying GazaThe Palestinian militants are showing an utter disregard for their own people.
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July 9 2014 7:38 PMThe Gaza RulesIsrael, unlike Hamas, isn’t trying to kill civilians. It’s taking pains to spare them.
Frame Game
July 3 2014 3:19 PMThe Tragedy of Collective PunishmentIsrael is too quick to punish innocent Palestinians for monstrous crimes committed by other Palestinians.
Oct. 17 2014 1:05 PMThe Ebola VoterThirteen ways Democrats and Republicans are exploiting the virus for political gain.
Oct. 10 2014 5:14 PMThe Wrong Side of the MajorityThom Tillis says most North Carolinians are against gay marriage. He couldn’t be more wrong.
Oct. 3 2014 10:23 PMA Suicide PactISIS’s beheading videos have done nothing but mobilize the West for war.
Sept. 30 2014 5:19 PMSocial OutcastsRepublican candidates are retreating from debates on abortion, gay marriage, and contraception.
Frame Game
Sept. 15 2014 5:13 PMHard KnocksI was hit by a teacher in an East Texas public school. It taught me nothing.
Sept. 3 2014 7:37 PMThe ISIS Atrocities We Can’t ForgetThe best way to honor James Foley and Steven Sotloff is to remember the thousands ISIS has murdered, and to stop them from killing thousands more.
Aug. 21 2014 4:07 PMNever Pay a RansomWe shouldn’t play by ISIS’s rules.
Aug. 11 2014 11:36 AMTwo Slate Writers Debate: Are Gay Marriage Opponents Bigots?Listen to Saletan and Stern revisit a disagreement about marriage equality and religious freedom.
Aug. 6 2014 5:36 PMIsrael’s BindRelax the blockade, and Gazans might credit Hamas. Keep the blockade, and Gazans might erupt.
Aug. 1 2014 2:00 PMGaza’s Worst Day Yet5 consequences from Hamas capturing an Israeli soldier, and the one slim hope things could get better.
July 28 2014 8:05 PMGaza’s NetherworldLower Gaza is holding Upper Gaza hostage. It’s time to end the ordeal.
July 22 2014 11:05 PMHow to Save GazaAnd keep Israel and Hamas from fighting the next war.
Frame Game
July 11 2014 9:18 PMIs Israel Killing Indiscriminately in Gaza?
Frame Game
July 7 2014 6:58 PMDemolishing JusticeThe Israeli government destroyed the homes of Palestinian murder suspects. Will it do the same to the homes of Jewish murder suspects?
Frame Game
June 30 2014 6:00 PMAmerican UnexceptionalismThe Blackwater scandal shows the U.S. isn’t immune from behaviors we abhor in others.



The World

How Canada’s Shooting Tragedies Have Shaped Its Gun Control Politics

Where Ebola Lives Between Outbreaks

Gunman Killed Inside Canadian Parliament; Soldier Shot at National Monument Dies

Sleater-Kinney Was Once America’s Best Rock Band

Can it be again?

Paul Farmer: Up to 90 Percent of Ebola Patients Should Survive

Is he right?


“I’m Not a Scientist” Is No Excuse

Politicians brag about their ignorance while making ignorant decisions.


Driving in Circles

The autonomous Google car may never actually happen.

In Praise of 13th Grade: Why a Fifth Year of High School Is a Great Idea 

PowerPoint Is the Worst, and Now It’s the Latest Way to Hack Into Your Computer

  News & Politics
Oct. 22 2014 9:42 PM Landslide Landrieu Can the Louisiana Democrat use the powers of incumbency to save herself one more time?
Continuously Operating
Oct. 22 2014 2:38 PM Crack Open an Old One A highly unscientific evaluation of Germany’s oldest breweries.
Gentleman Scholar
Oct. 22 2014 5:54 PM May I Offer to Sharpen My Friends’ Knives? Or would that be rude?
  Double X
The XX Factor
Oct. 22 2014 4:27 PM Three Ways Your Text Messages Change After You Get Married
  Slate Plus
Tv Club
Oct. 22 2014 5:27 PM The Slate Walking Dead Podcast A spoiler-filled discussion of Episodes 1 and 2.
Brow Beat
Oct. 22 2014 10:39 PM Avengers: Age of Ultron Looks Like a Fun, Sprawling, and Extremely Satisfying Sequel
Future Tense
Oct. 22 2014 5:33 PM One More Reason Not to Use PowerPoint: It’s The Gateway for a Serious Windows Vulnerability
  Health & Science
Wild Things
Oct. 22 2014 2:42 PM Orcas, Via Drone, for the First Time Ever
Sports Nut
Oct. 20 2014 5:09 PM Keepaway, on Three. Ready—Break! On his record-breaking touchdown pass, Peyton Manning couldn’t even leave the celebration to chance.