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Cars Panamera-Sport-Turismo

Published on October 29th, 2014 | by Christopher DeMorro


Electric Porsche Pajun Could Be Tesla Model S Rival

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October 29th, 2014 by  


Porsche has been at the forefront of hybrid performance cars, and now it’s readying an all-electric rival to the Tesla Model S called the Pajun. AutoCar reports that this new electric sedan will seek to be just as fast and go just as far as the Model S while wearing that enviable Porsche badge.

Panamera-Sport-TurismoThe Pajun adds a fifth model to the Porsche lineup, and while it will come with conventional drivetrains designed to compete with conventional automakers, engineers are putting extra effort into an all-electric model. The Pajun will use a shortened version of the Panamera’s MSB platform, and it will also aim to be substantially lighter than the Model S, which with its new Dual Motor Drive system can weight nearly 5,000-lbs. While Porsche has thus far invested heavily into hybrid technology, including the 919 Hybrid race car, the company may finally be ready to jump into fully-electric vehicles.

Powering the Pajun will be a cutting-edge synchronous electric motor every bit as powerful as the motor(s) in the Model S, and a new battery developed in conjunction with corporate partner Audi could give it a driving range of 250 miles per charge or more. The battery could even be shared with the upcoming Audi R8 e-tron, which was almost cancelled due to a lack of range though a battery deal between Audi and LG Chem seems to have saved it. Meanwhile Porsche Panamera E-Hybrid sales have been raking in the big bucks, helping Porsche reach new sales heights.

While Porsche focuses on combating the Model S, the Audi Q8 e-tron will be an electric SUV aimed at competing with the upcoming Tesla Model X. Porsche is also planning hybrid versions of all its models, including the 911 (eventually), but it looks like Elon Musk has really riled some feathers over in Germany with his electric sedan. Rumor has it that the 2012 Panamera Sport Turismo concept (pictured above) will influence the design of the Pajun.

The electric Porsche Pajun should arrive some time in the next couple of years, possibly giving the Model S its first legitimate rival.

Source: Gas2. Reprinted with permission.

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About the Author

A writer and gearhead who loves all things automotive, from hybrids to HEMIs, can be found wrenching or writing- or esle, he's running, because he's one of those crazy people who gets enjoyment from running insane distances.

  • David in Bushwick

    Before the Model T, most people couldn’t afford “a plaything of the rich” going down the primitive roads. This is a rare example where trickle-down is a good thing as the wealthy can fund the development while common people notice and aspire to owning one. The Prius just wasn’t cool enough.

  • Rick

    This is great news. A brand like Porsche would bring instant recognition. The car itself is ugly as hell.

    • Bob_Wallace

      I agree. That is not a car I would want to drive. The rear end looks like it suffered a meltdown.

  • Kyle Field

    First to market wins just about every time. When people think electric, they think Telsa. If I were one of the big dogs, I would spin up a new brand with some new sexy marketing and a lineup that can hold its own and define the EV space for that automaker. Most people I know dont know that there are any others out there except the Leaf (even a Leaf owner was surprised at how many other EVs are on the market…or soon to arrive).

    • Jenny Sommer

      Germans buy Porsche so do the Chinese and I don’t believe that a Porsche owner will switch to Tesla. There will be a lot of used Tesla on the market when those early buyers will switch to Audi and Porsche.

      • Philip W

        Why would they switch?

        • Jenny Sommer

          Germans who buy Tesla are also Porsche/Audi/Mercedes owners. Why should they keep the Tesla when they can have the Porsche or Audi?

          • Bob_Wallace

            Because the Tesla will be the superior car…. ;o)

          • Jenny Sommer

            Selling under 50 cars/month in Germany…
            Let’s predict how many month it will take Porsche to top Teslas total German sales.
            They sold over 20600 cars in 2013 in Germany alone and also 20% more over 2012 in China.

            I say Porsche will sell at least 150cars/month when it gets available. Many Germans will wait for that car over the Tesla.

          • Mint

            Yes, Germans buy German (top 5 selling brands there are domestic, IIRC), but Germany is a small market relative to the world. I don’t know why you decided to focus on that when Kyle said nothing about Germany.

          • Jenny Sommer

            Because most Porsche owners will buy an electric Porsche over any other electric car, not only in Germany.
            New buyers won’t go for the Tesla because it was first…
            Why would a Chinese buy an US made car when he can buy a similar Porsche?

          • Greg

            Because Porsche doesn’t have Superchargers?

  • Michael G

    Germans will buy it. Others – IDK. It is good for Tesla as it validates the concept. Otherwise, people say “if it is such a great idea why don’t the other car makers do it?”

    The established brands usually have an advantage in recognition, but Tesla has that in spades, so Tesla will probably do well. The big cos. have enormous bureaucracies with a lot of inertia. They take a long time to change direction.

  • Marion Meads

    Why are the luxury car makers all scared of Tesla that they’ve got to have something that can compete with Tesla? But this is very good development nonetheless. The more, the merrier.

    • B. MacIntosh

      Maybe more opportunity than fear. Tesla is creating a market and extending feasibility with charging stations.

    • Joseph Dubeau

      I think it may have more to do with Umweltzonen.

      “Low-Emission Zones (LEZ), or Umweltzonen, are banishing older, polluting passenger cars from many German cities such as Berlin, Cologne and Stuttgart with more to follow.”

    • Jenny Sommer

      Tesla is no competition for Porsche or Audi.

      • Mint

        Panamera sales plummeted after the Model S was introduced.

        If the Model X is as good as it seems, the Cayenne is next, though maybe they’ll be safe until the waiting time goes down.

        Yes, Tesla is very significant competition for Porsche.

        • Jenny Sommer

          Still 18%+ sales over 2012 and that’s the US market.
          They still sold more Panamera than expected.
          How many Model X is Tesla planning to sell in Germany? 30/m? I don’t believe anybody in Germany is waiting for that car.

          Let’s wait for the 2014 numbers.

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