Should the U.S. be fracked to supply foreign nations with gas?

by TXsharon on September 26, 2012

in LNG

Love this framing.

Fracking? For whom?
U.S. exports of natural gas would come at huge risks to our environment

Finally consider this: If the U.S. does export shale gas, it will be supplying countries like France that have already banned fracking because it’s too dangerous.

Is the U.S. on its way to becoming an energy extraction colony for other nations?

Are we the new Third World?

Of course I would love the framing. I’ve used it. Are you sacrificed to shale so U.S. can become largest exporter of LNG?

The Big Gas Mafia is creating extraction zones all across the US where American citizens’ health, safety and well-being are sacrificed to extract shale gas and oil. Now the US is positioning to become the largest exporter of LNG, Liquified Natural Gas.

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Anonymous September 26, 2012 at 6:37 pm

This whole idea of export of NG is so that the peasants in the US will pay the pollution penality to give cheap fuel to some foreign dudes!!!!!! The whole idea suchs!!!!!!!!!!!


GhostBlogger September 26, 2012 at 7:39 pm

Natural Gas Pipelines to Expand U.S. Supply Glut: Energy Markets

So, royalty owners have to bet it all on LNG export.


GhostBlogger September 26, 2012 at 7:46 pm
TXsharon September 27, 2012 at 11:17 am

Wow! In other words: we need to export to jack the prices up at home.

“Kenneth Medlock, a professor of energy and resource economics at Rice University in Houston, said bountiful U.S. production of ethane, propane and butane—which are all types of natural gas—is creating a glut in markets and depressing prices. The same thing has happened with so-called “dry” natural gas.

“The only way to get out of it is the export market,” Medlock said.”


Anonymous September 26, 2012 at 9:23 pm

This whole scam is being promoted by the current administration in Washington DC. and the alternative will even be worse. We (the peasants) are being ruined by our gubment.


WCGasette September 27, 2012 at 11:46 am

Don’t see us as “peasants.” That implies we have no power whatsoever. We have power but Americans are complacent and we often allow others to get the details for us.


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