New WV fracking website hosting farms open for science.

by TXsharon on June 1, 2012

in West Virginia

West Virginia Host Farms Program

I’m in WV and what has been going on out west, and in the east (Washington County, PA and Bradford County PA among other places is just now coming down into North Central WV.

I’m working to try to do something about it, as we are at the front end of the fracking frenzy here in WV.  So, I’ve created this initiative and am inviting the environmental research community to come on down to WV and access our private properties to get those all important baseline water quality assessments that the industry touts are not there to prove contamination.

Please give my site a plug and pass it on to your mailing list to get us out there in the public arena.  We want enviro researchers and journalists to help WV be the one state who will be able to provide the hardcore evidence that fracking is not a safe practice!  And with 300 Marcellus wells proposed in my county, we are a perfect opportunity for researchers to get here BEFORE those drill bits hit the ground and get those all important baseline tests!

Check out all the pages on the site, and pass it on!

This reminds me of Tim and Christine Ruggiero who said their lab is our lab and the door was open 24/7. We learned so much from their openness. This is your opportunity WV.

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