
Dallas Woman In Canada Near Parliament Shooting

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(credit: KTVT/KTXA) Jack Fink
Jack moved to Dallas after three years at WESH-TV, the NBC affil...
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NORTH TEXAS (CBS 11 NEWS) – Just down the street from where shots rang out in Canada’s parliament and a gunman killed a Canadian soldier, Colleen Leyba of Dallas says she and her husband remain holed up in their condo.

“It’s very scary. I feel as if there’s a bit of a sense of panic.” CBS 11 News reporter Jack Fink did a FaceTime interview with Leyba ‎Wednesday afternoon.

She said one hour after the shooting her and her husband went out on the street to record video of what was happening.‎ “The only thing I did see was a group of officers, about 10 to 12 that were running on the side of the Westin Hotel, in downtown Ottawa, in pursuit of a couple of suspects.”

Leyba ‎says that situation turned out to be a false alarm.

But as police look for one other suspect, the North Texan said much of the area around Parliament remains on lock-down. “You walk by the businesses and you see the employees have barricaded themselves inside. All the stores are closed down. All that’s left are spectators trying to see ‎what’s going on.”

From the street, she could see sharpshooters on top of a nearby skyscraper. According to Leyba, the country is on edge after a suspect ran over another Canadian soldier ‎Monday. “There was already a bit of a scare yesterday, and so to have this occur today is just very frightening.”

The Canadian Consulate in downtown Dallas declined comment Wednesday. Officials gave CBS 11 a statement from the Prime Minister’s office which said, in part, “Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those who were attacked.”

Follow Jack on Twitter:@cbs11jack

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