A Collaborative Workspace in Denton? We need your ideas

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68% of those attending this past October’s Denton Creative Mixer indicated they would be interested in using a collaborative co-working space if one existed in Denton. I’m reposting some of the feedback from that meeting below…


Since then, there have been several conversations, suggestions, meetings, and informal proposals about such a space in town. This Fall, UNT unveiled their new co-working space, the Innovation Greenhouse, on campus. Recently, locals Heather Gregory and Tristan Bynum unveiled plans for a Fall 2013 launch of Maker Space, “part design studio, part workshop, and part office space.”

In order to keep this conversation going and get all the right people at the same table, we’ll be hosting a meeting this Wednesday night (April 17) at 5:30pm at City Hall in the Council Work Session Room. If you have an interest in helping start such a space, have an idea of how to do it, or want to be on the ground level of one, please try and attend.

Can’t make it or perhaps your only interest is in using one, please fill out this brief survey to help us understand the needs, desires, and market that is out there. And please help us get more feedback by sending this along to interested colleagues and friends.

  1. I would LOVE to see a collaborative workspace in Denton. I have several friends and people that I have worked with that are part of WELD in Dallas and the work that comes out of that place is phenomenal. I have a prior commitment on Wed night but am hoping I can come by for the first part. Would love to receive any info you all come up with.

  2. Victoria Campbell says:

    I would be interested in hearing more information on such a place, but I too am unable to attend this Wednesday. As a non tech person, I would love more jobs that are not tech jobs but permanent, the helpers our city’s growth.

  3. Bear C says:

    Can’t make it, but interested in the outcome.

  4. I would love to see a great coworking space in Denton. Wish I had been able to make it to this meeting, any updates on the outcome?

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