Texas Election 2014


Conducted by Survey Research Center, University of Houston Center for Public Policy & Rice University
Statewide survey of 781 likely voters | Harris County wide survey of 325 likely voters
Statewide margin of error +/- 3.6% | Harris County margin of error +/-5.4%
September 22 – October 15, 2014


Click on a tab to view the results. Below are stories about the candidates and key issues. Early voting ends Oct. 31st. Election Day is Nov. 4. Voters must have a valid photo ID.


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Key Races

  • Governor's Race

    If the 2014 general election for Governor were held today, would you vote for?

     Harris CountyState
    Democrat Wendy Davis 40% 32%
    Republican Gregg Abbott 35% 47%
    Libertarian Kathy Glass 1% 1%
    Green Party Candidate Brandon Parmer .5% 1%
    Someone else .5% 2%
    Haven't thought about it enough to have an opinion 21% 15%
    No answer/refused 2% 2%
    Total 100% 100%

    Regardless of who you will vote for, who do you think will be elected Governor of Texas this November?

     Harris CountyState
    Democrat Wendy Davis 26% 21%
    Republican Gregg Abbott 45% 54%
    Libertarian Kathy Glass 1% 1%
    Green Party Candidate Brandon Parmer 1% 1%
    Someone else 1% 2%
    Haven't thought about it enough to have an opinion 23% 19%
    No answer/refused 3% 2%
    Total 100% 100%

    When did you make up your mind on who to vote for in the Governor's race?

     Harris CountyState
    On Election Day 5% 6%
    One week before Election Day 9% 9%
    A month before Election Day 16% 19%
    More than a month before Election Day 60% 59%
    No answer/refused 10% 7%
    Total 100% 100%
  • Lieutenant Governor's Race

    If the 2014 general election for Lieutenant Governor were held today, would you vote for?

     Harris CountyState
    Democrat Leticia Van de Putte 30% 24%
    Republican Dan Patrick 30% 36%
    Libertarian Robert Butler 2% 2%
    Green Party Candidate Chandrakantha Courtney 1% 1%
    Someone else 3% 3%
    Haven't thought about it enough to have an opinion 31% 32%
    No answer/refused 3% 2%
    Total 100% 100%

    Regardless of who you will vote for, who do you think will be elected Lieutenant Governor of Texas this November?

     Harris CountyState
    Democrat Leticia Van de Putte 19% 14%
    Republican Dan Patrick 40% 44%
    Libertarian Robert Butler 2% 2%
    Green Party Candidate Chandrakantha Courtney 1% 1%
    Someone else 1% 2%
    Haven't thought about it enough to have an opinion 34% 35%
    No answer/refused 3% 2%
    Total 100% 100%
  • Harris County District Attorney's Race

    If the 2014 general election for Harris County District Attorney were held today, would you vote for?

    Kim Ogg 22%
    Devon Anderson 23%
    Someone else 4%
    Haven't thought about it enough to have an opinion 45%
    No answer/refused 6%
    Total 100%

    Regardless of who you will vote for, who do you think will be elected Harris County District Attorney this November?

    Kim Ogg 17%
    Devon Anderson 24%
    Someone else 4%
    Haven't thought about it enough to have an opinion 47%
    No answer/refused 8%
    Total 100%
  • Party Support

    In this November's election will you vote for all Democratic candidates, all Republican candidates or will you vote for some Democratic and some Republican candidates?

     Harris CountyState
    All Democrats 26% 20%
    All Republicans 21% 28%
    Some Democrats and some Republicans 45% 46%
    Don't know 7% 5%
    Refused 1% 1%
    Total 100% 100%
  • Voter Affiliation

    Generally speaking, would you say that you usually think of yourself as a ...

     Harris CountyState
    Democrat 34% 29%
    Republican 34% 40%
    Independent 26% 24%
    No answer/refused 6% 7%
    Total 100% 100%
  • Voter Demographics

    How many children are currently living with you?

     Harris CountyState
    One 16% 12%
    Two 13% 10%
    Three 3% 3%
    Four or more 5% 3%
    None 60% 69%
    No answer/refused 3% 3%
    Total 100% 100%

    What is the highest level of education you received?

     Harris CountyState
    Less than high school 2% 2%
    High school diploma 15% 19%
    Some college 20% 22%
    Two-year college degree 11% 11%
    Four-year college degree 31% 29%
    Post-graduate degree 17% 14%
    No answer/refused 4% 3%
    Total 100% 100%

    What race do you consider yourself?

     Harris CountyState
    White 62% 69%
    African-American 19% 13%
    Hispanic/Latino 11% 9%
    Asian/Pacific Islander 2% 2%
    Native American 1% 1%
    Multi-racial/other 1% 2%
    No answer/refused 4% 4%
    Total 100% 100%

    Do you own or rent your home?

     Harris CountyState
    Own 83% 91%
    Rent 14% 6%
    No answer/refused 3% 3%
    Total 100% 100%

    What is your marital status?

     Harris CountyState
    Married 56% 63%
    Separated 1% 0%
    Divorced 11% 9%
    Widowed 11% 13%
    Single 17% 11%
    Domestic partnership 1% 0%
    No answer/refused 3% 4%
    Total 100% 100%

    What is Your age?

         Harris CountyState
    18-34 33% 24%
    35-44 16% 10%
    45-64 28% 29%
    65+ 23% 37%
    Total 100% 100%

    What is your gender?

         Harris CountyState
    Female 51% 56%
    Male 49% 44%
    Total 100% 100%


      • What's important to Texans

        What would you say is the most important problem facing the state of Texas today?

         Harris CountyState
        Immigration 23% 25%
        Border Security 15% 18%
        Political Corruption 5% 8%
        Water Supply 2% 1%
        Unemployment 6% 5%
        Education 2% 15%
        The Economy 6% 7%
        Health Care 19% 4%
        Crime and Drugs 7% 1%
        Moral Decline 5% 1%
        Social Welfare Programs 2% 0%
        Gas Prices 1% 0%
        State Budget Cuts 1% 1%
        State Government Spending 0% 1%
        Taxes 0% 2%
        Environment 0% 1%
        Transportation/Roads/Traffic 1% 2%
        Gay Marriage 1% 1%
        Voting System 0% 0%
        Electoral Fraud 1% 0%
        Gun Control/Gun Violence 0% 0%
        The Media 1% 0%
        Utility Rates 0% 0%
        Abortion 0% 0%
        Insurance Rates 0% 0%
        State Courts 1% 1%
        Other 3% 2%
      • Astrodome

        Harris County proposes turning the Astrodome into an indoor park. Should the taxpayers of Harris County spend any amount to make the Astrodome into an indoor park if no private investors want to fund the entire project?

        Yes 31%
        No 51%
        Don't Know 17%
        Refused 1%
        Total 100%
      • Marijuana

        Do you think the use of marijuana should be made legal or not?

        Yes 43%
        No 50%
        Don't Know 8%
        Refused 1%
        Total 100%

        Would you favor decriminalizing the use of marijuana, that is no prison time or criminal record for the possession of a small amount of marijuana for personal use?

        Support 62%
        Oppose 29%
        Don't Know 8%
        Refused 1%
        Total 100%
        • Transportation

          Which of the following proposals would you support to improve transportation in Texas? 


          Increase vehicle registration fees

           Harris CountyState
          Support 23% 23%
          Oppose 64% 65%
          Don't Know 10% 10%
          Refused 3% 2%
          Total 100% 100%

          Increase gasoline taxes

           Harris CountyState
          Support 17% 15%
          Oppose 75% 78%
          Don't Know 5% 5%
          Refused 3% 2%
          Total 100% 100%

          Increase spending on public bus and trains

           Harris CountyState
          Yes 45% 39%
          No 44% 46%
          Don't Know 9% 13%
          Refused 2% 2%
          Total 100% 100%
        • Healthcare

          Which would you rather your representative in Congress do when it comes to the Affordable Care Act?
           Harris CountyState
          Leave the law as is 11% 9%
          Work to improve the law 37% 31%
          Work to repeal the law 21% 21%
          Work to repeal the law and replace it with something else 23% 30%
          Don't know/no opinion 7% 8%
          Refused 1% 1%
          Total 100% 100%
        • 9th grade endorsement, or course of study

          State law requires students entering the 9th grade to choose a course of study that leads either to college or work after graduation from high school. Do you believe that 9th grade is too early, too late or about right for students to make such a decision?
           Harris CountyState
          Too Early 40% 42%
          Too Late 6% 5%
          About Right 51% 47%
          Don't Know 2% 6%
          Refused 1% 0%
          Total 100% 100%


Houston Public Media/KHOU Election 2014 Poll - Statewide Results l Harris County Results