Anniversary announcement

Anniversaries are paid announcements that appear each Sunday in the Denton Record-Chronicle. Charges are determined on the length of your announcement. Please complete the form below and an advertising representative will be in touch with you by phone or e-mail regarding your payment. Deadline for publication is Wednesday noon, 11 days prior to Sunday publication. The announcement will be published after payment (cash, check or credit card) is received, no later than noon the following Wednesday. Your announcement will be posted on the web at at no extra charge.

Please click here for an example article.

*required field
*Your name:
*Your phone number:
*Your evening/cell number:
*Your e-mail:
Preferred publication date: (MM/DD/YYYY)
REMINDER: All photos must be in JPEG format of at least 200 dpi.
Name of Couple:
Wedding Date (with year), place:
City of residence:
Years married:
Anniversary observance:
(Party, reception, open house, vacation, etc.)
Hosted by:
(Friends, family, children, etc.)
Date of party:
Time of party:
Is it an invitation-only party? Yes  No
Occupations of husband, wife:
(Please indicate current or retired.)
(Church, lodges, civic, hobbies, etc.)
Name and residence of children:
(Do not list in-laws.)
Number of grandchildren:
Other Notes:
* I agree to the terms and conditions.