UPDATED: Range Resources General Counsel David Poole Breaks Hallowich Non-Disclosure Agreement

by TXsharon on August 7, 2013

in NDA, Range Resources

I’ve heard that a coyote will chew its own leg off when caught in a trap. That was my first thought when I read the breaking news that, after a PR nightmare week where they became a worldwide disgrace for gagging two small children, Range Resorces’ David Poole wrote a letter releasing the Hallowich children from the gag.

So, go ahead kids! Let loose with those “illegal words.”

But, in his haste to get out of the PR nightmare trap he created, Mr. Poole forgot that he is also bound by the gag–the first rule of Frack Club is you don’t talk about Frack Club. I bet the other parties, Mark West and Williams, are thrilled with Mr. Poole.

My favorite part of the article is this:

He also criticized Stephanie Hallowich for making what he characterized as “knowingly false” statements.

It’s “unfortunate” that David Poole would mention “knowingly false” statements considering that he made “knowingly false” statements to elected officials when giving testimony in Southlake. (Warning, annoying buzzer)

It’s also “unfortunate” considering the Range Resources VP of operations seems to have lied under oath at the Texas Railroad Commission hearing about the Parker County water contamination.

It’s not easy being the biggest bullies in the neighborhood.

UPDATE: I had to rush off this morning and have not been able to update this post until now. To be clear, It was the attorney representing the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Frederick Frank, who asserts that by talking about the non-disclosure agreement and information that was sealed in the document, Range has violated the agreement.

Frederick Frank, the attorney representing the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in its effort to have the confidential settlement agreement made public, said Tuesday that Mr. Poole’s letter makes repeated references to information contained in that document.

“In order to defend themselves they’ve opened up their kimono,” Mr. Frank said. “My position is they’ve totally waived the confidentiality of the agreement by releasing the letter [to a cable network], and we will seek the appropriate remedy from the court.

The link above goes to the article, but for future reference it is:

Hallowich children not part of Marcellus Shale gag order agreement
Settlement entered with gas drillers
August 7, 2013 12:03 am
By Don Hopey / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

You can read a copy of Mr. Poole’s letter HERE.

Update again: This story is on Democracy Now about 2/3 the way through.


{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

TXsharon August 7, 2013 at 9:33 am

To be clear, the attorney for the paper is the one who asserts that by talking about the non-disclosure agreement, Range has violated the agreement.


Alberta Neighbor August 7, 2013 at 11:21 pm

“… I was the person within Range primarily responsible for addressing the claims made by your clients Stephanie and Christopher Hallowich and, for Range, negotiating and approving the terms of the settlement that was reached which resulted in the parties executing the settlement agreement that resolved their claims.

As a result of recent media reports I am aware, for the first time, that a question was raised at the hearing the Court conducted on the Hallowichs’ application to approve the settlement on behalf of their minor children with regard to the applicability of certain terms of the settlement agreement to the children of the Hallowichs.

Until I reviewed the transcript of the hearing, yesterday I was not aware that there was even a discussion of the applicability of the non-disparagement language in the settlement agreement to the Hallowich children nor was I aware that there was a question having been raised at the hearing in that regard.”

“I am aware, for the first time”
“I was not aware”
“nor was I aware”

For a company who reportedly employs military personnel, their intel is sure lacking. I would ask for a refund.


Alberta Neighbor August 7, 2013 at 11:25 pm

“… I was the person within Range primarily responsible for addressing the claims made by your clients Stephanie and Christopher Hallowich and, for Range, negotiating and approving the terms of the settlement that was reached which resulted in the parties executing the settlement agreement that resolved their claims.

As a result of recent media reports I am aware, for the first time, that a question was raised at the hearing the Court conducted on the Hallowichs’ application to approve the settlement on behalf of their minor children with regard to the applicability of certain terms of the settlement agreement to the children of the Hallowichs.

Until I reviewed the transcript of the hearing, yesterday I was not aware that there was even a discussion of the applicability of the non-disparagement language in the settlement agreement to the Hallowich children nor was I aware that there was a question having been raised at the hearing in that regard.”

“I am aware, for the first time”
“I was not aware”
“nor was I aware”

For a company who reportedly employs military personnel, the intel is sure lacking. I would ask for a refund.


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