How to Contribute to the Dallas Observer

We have a nice little staff here at the Observer, but sometimes we need some side action. Here's how you might be able to help.

We accept freelance pitches for stories of all shapes and sizes. Specifically, we're looking for:

Long-form News and Features:
We're always looking for experienced journalists to pitch ideas for long-form narratives, investigations, news stories, profiles, and anything else that might fit nicely in the front of the book and on the front of our homepage. If you know a story that rises to the level of a full-length magazine story, and have the experience and chops to pull it off, send a detailed pitch to Joe Tone, editor, at Pay depends on length and labor, but is competitive.

Shorter music, food and arts coverage
Everyday across our music, food and arts blogs, we publish 10-15 stories that help our readers navigate Dallas culture, and tell them where to drink beforehand. Most of these stories are told by freelancers -- either full-time writers or cubicle jockeys looking for a creative outlet. Think you can contribute? Spend some time on the blog(s) of your choice and send a hopefully sparkling email to Lauren Smart (arts), Joe Tone (food) or Jeff Gage (music) with some story ideas. Rates are competitive with other blogs. In other words, not that great. BUT STILL.

We're always looking for talented photographers, either pros or hobbyists, to help us capture Dallas visually, for our stories and for stand-alone slideshows. Send an email with some samples of your work to Tracie Louck, art director, and Gavin Cleaver, web editor.

We're looking for freelance videographers, multimedia journalists, aspiring filmmakers and anyone else who might want to shoot and edit videos like the ones at That you? Email Joe Tone, editor, right here.

My Voice Nation Help

I enjoyed the two photography assignments that I did for the Observer. What I DON'T enjoy so much is not getting PAID for those assignments...  and not getting responses to my several emails. throughout the last couple of months. If this is how freelancers are treated, no wonder why you guys are always looking for more. 


I know that I could do a pretty fucking good job with the writing part. The problems would come once it got published on here. All of a sudden it would be impossible to read the snark and the shit talking in the comment section without taking it personally. I would so be one of those "lets meet and see if you say that shit to my face" kinda guys. But maybe I could parlay that into a legitimate doctor's prescription for Xanax.

TheRuddSki topcommenter

Must admit, when I first read the headline, I thought y'all were going all PBS on us, was ready to cut a check.


I know how to make a list!!!


Are fictitious individuals allowed to apply?

TheRuddSki topcommenter

Can we get paid for blog commentary?


'..along with a few work samples that demonstrate some talent for whatever is they want to do..'

I thought VVM divested themselves of the backpage-dot-com business.


A nice little staff you got here.  It'd be a shame if something were to happen...

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

Joinnambla and divershitty have some pretty strong opinions about the paper. Maybe theyd like to contribute


does it help if you own a shotgun like Jim Shoots?


Dear Observer,

I'd like to contribute to the Observer, but I don't have a drinking problem. Do you think I should work my way up to one, or should I consider huffing paint instead?


joe.tone moderator

@NunyaBidness  Send me an email and invoices and we'll make sure you get paid right away. We're generally pretty good but occasionally things get screwed up -- a transposed number on an address, a miscommunication here, a missing invoice.

Let's fix it:

Anna_Merlan_Voice topcommenter

@JustSaying  You kinda get to like it. I once read a mean comment on my phone while I was driving and started laughing so hard I nearly went off the road. 

PatrickWilliams moderator

@TheRuddSki  Well, shoot, if you were ready to cut a check anyhow, just go ahead, and thanks. We'll put it to good use. Just make out to Patrick Williams. I'll see that it gets put into the right account. Saves on paperwork that way.

joe.tone moderator

@bvckvs Some legitimate publishers make writers guidelines and pay scales public. Many don't. We try to respond to every idea, but, like every other publication ever, some slip past. And we didn't steal your ideas. We don't steal ideas from freelance pitches. We never have. 

Did you pitch me directly?

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@bvckvs  based on what you write in the comments, Its pretty obvious why they would have not responded 


@bvckvs  Hecklers are awesome.  Your comment is terrible.  (snark)

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@Anna_Merlan_Voice @JustSaying  I think the interaction with the writer is a good thing.  I dont feel like the author should just write something and then leave to never see it again and doesnt have to take responsibility for what they write.   I used to Snark Anna in the beginning and then something happened.  She replied and we agreed on something. I think it was one of the trolls that she responded too, but it told me she actually read them and it made me put more thought into my comments on her stories, it also brought about the Vagina rating system

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Done, I just cut the check. I doubt your bank will accept it now though.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Especially when the cow's milk comes soured direct from the teat.


@ScottsMerkin @bvckvs  Come on, it could be "comedy gold," as they say. Give the man his own column, BUCKY HOLDS FORTH  


@Sotiredofitall @ChrisYu  1.  Declare that you know how to make a list.  2. Don't include a list to prove your knowledge. 3. Wait for a TRUE list-maker to come forth and prove #1 false.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I'm on thin ice with them as it is. How 'bout you just send me some cash? I'll even accept pesos, rubles, pounds, euros - but do consider exchange rates and round up

gavin.cleaver moderator

@jesdynf  unless your paint was some really high-quality paint. Then you're in.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@Daniel @ScottsMerkin@bvckvsAlan Stang already did that schtick in the 70-80's on radio.  Of course, he was a Bircher and wouldn't have gotten on that well with bucky, but they're both grumpy and convinced of their own superiority.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The Dallas Examiner took Bucky's suggestion couple years ago.

The result was angry readers, Bucky's dismissal as "Education Correspondent", and the scrubbing of every single article and comment the Buckmeister had contributed.

I'm sure the DO is aware of that.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Yeah, but I'm talking about money


@gavin.cleaver Artisinal isobutane and free-trade dimethyl ether. I'd tell you about the color, but it's pretty indie. You wouldn't know it.


@TheRuddSki  A little late reading this article, but must say this is one funny line.

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