
Climate & Energy

This graphic novelist tells the true story of climate change

French author Philippe Squarzoni takes you on his quest to understand global warming.


This hockey legend wants to put dirty energy in the penalty box

Twenty years ago, Mike Richter helped the New York Rangers win the Stanley Cup. Now he wants to rack up wins for the climate.


Climate activist explains why going green is like coming out

Gerod Rody is a business school grad and LGBTQ activist who wants to save the planet, one Earth Gay at a time.


This woman has spent almost a year underwater. Here’s why she’s your new hero

Star scientist Sylvia Earle dives deep in a splashy new Netflix doc about oceans.

Climate & Energy

Teaching kids about climate change? Read them a classic story

Skip the lectures and the horror stories, says one environmental science prof, and just help them fall in love with nature.

Climate & Energy

Think people of color don’t care about the environment? Think again

Dorceta Taylor, professor at the University of Michigan’s School of Natural Resources and Environment, talks about her new report about environmental groups' failure to diversify.

Climate & Energy

Meet the brazen scientist who’s taking over NASA’s high-powered climate lab

The straight-talking Gavin Schmidt is the new director of NASA's climate research group. And he can juggle, too!


A mapping group at MIT wants to show us the way to greener cities

Sep Kamvar's slick data maps help urbanites recognize the elements that they love, and the ones that need some tweaking.


Meet the sisters who put the rad in radical vintage

Dominique and Jazmyne Drakeford spread their love of vintage threads in Oakland, Calif.

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