Updated: More revelations from the fracking psyops conference mentioned in Gasland II

by TXsharon on July 9, 2013


Gasland II premiered last night on HBO and I was happy to see Josh covered the Media & Stakeholder Relations Hydraulic Fracturing Relations Initiative 2011 aka fracking psyops conference.

Today, Josh Fox was on the Diane Rhem show with Energy In Depth’s Steve Everely aka fracking’s Joe Camel. Everley continues to claim the quotes from the tapes were taken out of context. They have also claimed I “sneaked” into the conference and that I edited the tapes. I’ve already addressed Everley’s claims in my “Response to an industry caught with their pants down.”

The armed guards at the door would not let anyone in without a name badge and the armed, plain clothes security guards were vigilant. Here is the name badge I wore the entire time and a page from my notes.


What I want people to know is this:

There were way more shocking revelations at that conference than what has surfaced in the news and on Gasland II I have two days of tapes and 26 pages of notes.

Before the industry goes into a new area, they check their database to see where the opposition might come from. They want to know who you are, who your friends are and why…they want to know everything about you. If you know someone in California, if you correspond with someone in Illinois, if you are Facebook friends with someone in Idaho, they put this information in their database. We are all map pens on their fracking insurgent  psyops database map. When they identify where the opposition might come from, they can start trying to divide the community and pit neighbors against any opposition. Are you in the Big Gas Mafia’s PSYOP database?

They are also believers in early inoculations. They start with the most important and influential members of a community–lawmakers, academics and journalists–and work their way down. Fracking season is upon us. Have you been inoculated? They start inoculations in “grade school” with cupcakes and coloring books.

We have to educate the agencies and the public. We have to manage all parts of the public.

We need to go down to the grade school and high school level because that’s where the opposition groups are.

Brad Miller – General Manager of Regulatory Affairs, Anadarko Petroleum.

They claim transparency but they coach their peers  on how to obscure the truth. In Their Own Words: fracking biocides are just bleach and In Their Own Words – the fracking chapstick edition.

There are two days of these tapes and I have 26 pages of notes.

Updated with additional information.

Update: Are we at war?  Are fracking communities next?

Will treating citizens as enemy combatants and hiring armed guards be the new normal?


{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }

DragonTat2 July 9, 2013 at 2:26 pm

“There are two days of these tapes and I have 26 pages of notes.”
I love you~


WCGasette July 9, 2013 at 4:35 pm

Why is there hardly ever any mention of “Perfing” ~ handling explosives on the surface by preparing PERF guns that are lowered into the ground and then blast holes through the casing along the horizontal wellbore deep in the earth and below our homes or wherever the wellbores are drilled. That, too, is a separate and very dangerous part of the completion process inside our neighborhoods.
WCGasette recently posted..Steve Lipsky’s Water is On Fire from Recent Fracking ~ RRC Says, “No, It’s Not!”My Profile


TXsharon July 9, 2013 at 4:47 pm

I have mentioned it. Most recently in my posts about why there are so many explosives stockpiled in the Barnett Shale.


WCGasette July 9, 2013 at 9:56 pm

True. So, there’s perfing and then there’s fracking. When they don’t have the signed leases within 330 feet of the horizontal wellbore, they often go ahead and “frack” and then call it an “unperfed completion.” So cool.

Therefore, the shale gas won’t enter the wellbore from those “unperfed” (and supposedly plugged) sections of the wellbore after fracking. But it’s all self-reported, so Scout’s Honor about those “unperfed” sections. How much do we really know about the explosives? And are these explosive materials being regulated by our cities and/or the regulatory agencies (RRC in TX)? Is it better to NOT know?

By the way, why would you frack a well if you don’t have all the leases and would have to go back later to finish (in the event the leases were eventually obtained). We were once told by an RRC rep that would be very costly. Kind of like getting married again for the very first time.
WCGasette recently posted..Steve Lipsky’s Water is On Fire from Recent Fracking ~ RRC Says, “No, It’s Not!”My Profile


TXsharon July 9, 2013 at 9:57 pm

I totally trust them. Don’t you?


Tim Ruggiero July 11, 2013 at 11:13 pm

This was also not exactly a free conference, either, as I recall. Industry intentionally charges high admission fees to these things as an effort to keep us out.

Yes, sometimes, things people say are taken out of context. Energy In Depth is good at this. Calvin Tillman and I spoke for over an hour and a half, and EID’s ‘undercover’ agent took video, then used 3-4 second snippets. That’s taking things out of context.

In your case, I know you have lots of full length recordings, and we heard a few of them in the past. I’m just curious as to what any of these bozo’s said that was taken out of context? Sounded pretty clear to me.


TXsharon July 11, 2013 at 11:42 pm

Some generous people help me get there but it was still a big expense for Earthworks.

Yes, all the tapes are available in their entirety.


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