$8 billion deal sealed to ship US shale gas worldwide.

by TXsharon on October 26, 2011

in LNG

Domestic producers will start shipping “bountiful” US shale gas “across the globe” as early as 2015.

Terminal developers like Cheniere are scrambling to turn their idle import facilities into export plants to ship U.S. natural gas abroad after a revolution in shale gas production left the United States with 100 years of supply.

Those import facilities were built on land obtained through eminent domain.


{ 9 comments… read them below or add one }

Anonomous October 26, 2011 at 5:13 pm

And WE the peasants will pay the pollution penality here in Tx and other parts of the US. You better get ready to RUN. RUN, RUN, RUN. RUN from Tx. Tha’s one RUN for each point in the Tx. Star!!


FrackingCrazy October 26, 2011 at 5:15 pm

This infuriates me and it should infuriate you!

I got sick, my daughter got sick.

We had to move out of our dream house.

The water got contaminated, no one does nothing.

People in my old neighborhood are losing their hair and the DR’s don’t know why. People are getting headaches all the time, skin disorders. My neighbor across the street died of a rare kidney cancer. A 40 year old Mom and an older gentleman down the street from me died of a rare brain cancer, kids and adults in are getting bone and blood cancer.

This one fact is proof:

This Gas Rush is NOT about America,
it’s not about Americans;

It’s about profit.

If we’re going to make Americans sick, and contaminate American water, then in the very least show us respect by keeping the gas in the US.

The Gas Companies lie, they are cutting corners for profit, making people sick, contaminating water, and then, selling OUR gas to other countries, who are smart enough not to drill their land because we’ve been the example of how screwed up the whole thing is!


Mike H. October 26, 2011 at 6:10 pm

A number of those LNG Terminals were built under the guise of “the US is almost out of natural gas!” Then, much of fracking is pushed under the guise of “it will make the US energy independent”. So, the US public has been taken, by 2 different claims, by exporting gas.


FM Watch Dog October 26, 2011 at 8:07 pm

I just hope I live long enough to see this come full circle, AGAIN. Where, in 30 years, we will once again have to import because we sold our “energy security” to the highest bidder.


Zoe Nance October 27, 2011 at 1:41 pm

It’s totally ridiculous, isn’t it?!?

Keep it, drill it slow, keep us more safe and have it for hundreds, maybe thousands of years.

When I’m president…


Anonomous October 26, 2011 at 8:18 pm

Looks like the Feds are helping out the GasHoles. Could it be?


Anonomous October 26, 2011 at 9:12 pm

There is only ONE solution to this rediculious idea of gas export—and that is a good ‘ole fashioned fat EXPORT tax on this frigging gas!!. Try to that export tax passed by our bought off politions!


Oilfield Research October 28, 2011 at 3:58 am

If this option will work I give my full support to it.


Anonomous October 26, 2011 at 9:49 pm

And the basis for the BIG export tax would be for the CONSERVATION OF DOMESTIC ENERGY SOURCES–which is what the RRC promotes!


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