Content tagged with "Natural Gas"


PA Politics: Bargaining away community protections

Nadia Steinzor | October 29, 2011

The Texas Tribune inadvertently demonstrates the importance of the 1st amendment

Sharon Wilson | September 26, 2011

Eagle Ford Shale: Trust me, I’m a doctor

Sharon Wilson | September 15, 2011

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Flaring and Venting

September 18, 2014

Flareless Completions

September 16, 2014

Oil and gas producing states


LNG Export Study and Request for Comment

EARTHWORKS et al | January 28, 2013

Proposed revisions to Regulation No. 6, Pt. A., Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources

EARTHWORKS | October 3, 2012

Stop New Subsidies for Natural Gas: Oppose Amendment #1782 to the Transportation Bill

EARTHWORKS | March 13, 2012

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Naturally, it’s a gas, gas, gas

Durango Herald | Emery Cowan | Tuesday, July 31, 2012

REGULATION: How many wells per inspector? In some states, answer is elusive

E&E | Ellen Gilmer | Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Fracking fuels energy debate

Science News for Kids | Erica Gies | Wednesday, July 18, 2012

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Bob and Lisa Parr

Clark, WY

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