
Cyber Attackers Target Cleburne After Police Officer Kills Dog

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(credit: Cleburne Police Department)

(credit: Cleburne Police Department)

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CLEBURNE (CBSDFW.COM) - Someone is targeting the city’s computer systems and city officials think the cyber attacks are linked to the recent killing of a family pet by one of the city’s police officers.

The officer, who has been placed on administrative leave, says an aggressive pit bull charged at him in August, so he shot the dog.  The officer’s body camera captured the shooting, and the video was released on October 17.

Since October 17, city officials say there have been five separate attacks that have impacted the city’s email system and emergency dispatch system.  The attacks have not shut down or seriously impacted police or fire operations, according to Cleburne Mayor Scott Cain.

The content of the emails has not been revealed, but city officials say due to the nature of the emails, they believe the dog shooting is the reason behind them.

The shooting has been under investigation since the video was made public.

The FBI is assisting the city with the investigation into the cyber attacks.

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