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Exxon’s Broken Pipeline: The Pegasus Disaster, One Year Later

Exxon’s Pegasus Pipeline restarted just three weeks ago. The same 60+ yr-old pipeline which devastated Mayflower, Arkansas last April is now actively pumping through the towns, forests and wetlands of East Texas.

Tar Sands Blockade traveled to Mayflower after the spill to meet people directly affected by the tar sands industry and hear their stories. Many of the people we met in Mayflower have never stopped raising a fuss about how Exxon wrecked their land and water and poisoned their families. Though this short documentary is only able to chronicle a small handful of their stories, we hope that it will serve as a stark warning about the dangers of extreme energy infrastructure.

For more about Pegasus in Texas, see our earlier coverage of the impending restart.


Permanent link to this article: http://www.tarsandsblockade.org/pegasus_restart_doc/