“Happy Get Lucky” Is Almost as Good as “Happy” and “Get Lucky”

Brow Beat
Slate's Culture Blog
Feb. 18 2014 6:01 PM

Proof That You Can Never Have Too Much Pharrell

As they demonstrated with their previous mashup of Lorde, Beck, and 2Pac, YouTube stars Pomplamoose are very good at two things (at least): Reworking popular songs to make them their own, and accompanying said songs with engaging visual spectacles.

Their latest output is a Pharrell-filled tune, bringing together his cheery, danceable songs “Happy” and “Get Lucky,” with a bit of “Lose Yourself to Dance” thrown in for good measure. The visual effects are an impressive feat of creativity and well-choreographed camera placement. You may even find “Happy Get Lucky” to be just as irresistible as Pharrell’s own bouncy, 24-hour music venture. Enjoy.

Aisha Harris is a Slate staff writer.

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