Landowners suffering health impacts in Eagle Ford Shale just want out

by TXsharon on May 9, 2013

in Eagle Ford Shale

Myra and Mike just want out! I’ve been working with the Cerny family for about 18 months now helping them learn who to call and when, collecting and documenting evidence of harm. Their exposure to toxics from shale oil and gas development is constant.

Excellent reporting by Joe Conger / KENS 5
VIDEO: ‘We want out of here': Residents blame ailments on oil field toxins

Cerny and his wife say the inhalers and medicines the family takes now eclipse the royalties their property earns from fracking.

“When you see your son with up to three nosebleeds a day, something’s wrong with this picture,” Myra Cerny said.

I have recorded the Cerny’s story here in a series of blog posts and there is more coming.

Letter from the Eagle Ford Shale tells of rashes, nosebleeds and misery
Another letter describing misery in the Eagle Ford Shale
Photo: Marathon Oil Company flare in Eagle Ford Shale
Scenes from the Eagle Ford Shale in Karnes City
An email from the Eagle Ford Shale describes continued misery.
Emissions Video: Marathon Sugarhorn Central Facility in Eagle Ford Shale
Eagle Ford Shale emissions like a refinery make residents sick
Yesterday a dog died in Karnes City

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