Laugh to keep from crying

UNIVERSITY PARK, TX - OCTOBER 26: Dallas-area resident James Faulk displays his Ebola-themed Halloween decorations on October 26, 2014 in University Park, Texas. Faulk decorated the front of his house and lawn to resemble the scene of the Dallas apartment where the first U.S. case of Ebola virus was confirmed several weeks ago. Faulk has set up a Twitter account and a website in an effort to raise funds for the Doctors Without Borders charity organization. (Getty Images)

Re: “Ebola decor is tasteless,” by Doris Taylor, Sunday Letters, and “Ebola is nothing to laugh at,” by Donna Baker, Sunday Letters.

I have to respond to these letters that took strong exception to the University Park resident with the Ebola-themed Halloween decorations.

News flash — nobody actually thinks Ebola is funny, including the UP resident. Treating serious and unpleasant topics with humor is a normal human coping mechanism. It’s a pressure-relief valve that makes going through life a little easier. Try it — you’ll live longer.

Mike Haughton, East Tawakoni



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