Fracking impacted citizens to rally at TX Capitol on 3/4 to demand legislative action

by TXsharon on March 1, 2013

in Uncategorized

MARCH 1, 2013

Lisa Fithian, 213-840-1972
Alan Septoff, 202-271-2355

Fracking impacted citizens to rally in Austin to demand
Texas legislators Stop the Frack Attack

Communities from Texas and across the country march to the State Capitol to end dangerous oil & gas extraction, to require water protections & accountability of industry and respect for local control

Rally, march and other creative actions to end irresponsible fracking (oil and gas extraction) and hold oil and gas extraction companies accountable for when they do wrong. We will bring attention to issues around water use and earthquakes.

Assemble and Rally,
Texas State Capitol
11th and Congress Ave., Austin, TX 78701

March 4th, 12pm to 1pm CST
Citizens from across Texas and the country including many who gathered at the Frack Attack National Summit in Dallas on the weekend prior.

To send a strong message to Texas decision-makers. Our water is being polluted, our communities contaminated, and our children are at risk as we continue to chase profits from limited fossil fuels. We need a clean energy revolution with good jobs in Texas and around the nation.


Lisa Fithian, 213-840-1972,
Alan Septoff, 202-271-2355,

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Texas Widow March 6, 2013 at 8:09 am

At first I was sorry I missed it, we had guests, but then realized, what’s the point? Nothing is going to change in this country. I’ve lost all hope after my husband died of leukemia, and will be losing my home thanks to a compressor station, 12 gas tanks, cracked foundation, cracked floors and walls.

They’ve destroyed my life, and writing to corrupt politicians, marching in the streets, wadting time taking videos/sound, will accomplish nothing. Greed trumps over human lives and our earth, and always will.

I give up. I’ve been fighting it for over 6 years. I’m a shell of who I used to be. I just want to move far away from this hell, but don’t have the means.

I understand if you don’t want this comment published. I’m done anyway, it doesn’t matter anymore.


TXsharon March 6, 2013 at 9:31 am

You can’t give up or you will be stuck and they will win. I hear you saying that you have been fighting for 6 years but I just met you. I have given you a way to fight back so you can win but it takes time and diligence.


Texas Widow March 6, 2013 at 8:13 am

PS: Thank you, Sharon, and to Tim, Calvin, and Susan, for your kindness. I admire you all, and appreciate what you do for others.


Texas Widow March 6, 2013 at 10:15 am

I know what you’re daying, Sharon, and appreciate your help and advice so much. But losing my husband, watching him suffer for over 7 months in the hospital, waste away from a 6’1, 210 lb strong man, to 145 lbs when he died (he had to have a bone martow transplant, which was disastrous and horrific) ….. took too much put of me. As I try to sleep at night, amid the idling semis and compressor, my mind goes to a very dark place. Wondering if whatbI’m hearing, is what killed my vibrant husband, my daughter’s beloved father.

I don’t have any fight left anymore.


Texas Widow March 6, 2013 at 10:15 am

*saying (sorry, typos)


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