Grumpy Cat Wants You to Come to Dallas and Stop the Frack Attack

by TXsharon on February 12, 2013

in Eagle Ford Shale, STFA


We will be gathering in Dallas, TX from March 2nd-4th for a National Summit to Stop the Frack Attack.

Hundreds of people will attend to share stories, become better spokespeople, learn about clean energy alternatives, celebrate victories, and strengthen this national movement.

You can see the schedule with speakers HERE.

One of our speakers is an affected landowner from the Eagle Ford Shale. I’m sure many of you, Dear Readers, will remember that I checked my mailbox on a Monday last summer and found A Letter From the Eagle Ford Shale… I cried when I read this letter and many of you cried with me. The Dallas Summit will be the first time this letter writer has appeared in public. Much has happened to this family since I receive this first letter.

We will also have affected landowners from East Texas with their stories of abuse by the Tar Sands pipeline companies.

And, we have all kinds of great workshops scheduled to help you get organized, become better spokespeople and learn some new skills.

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Texas Widow February 13, 2013 at 1:50 pm

Love Grumpy Cat!

I’ve lost a few friends over having the gall to not like the drilling and wells I’ve been living with since 2007……I “liked” the Stop the Frack Attack page on FB, one of my “friends” (not anymore) saw it on their Newsfeed, and left a very rude comment on the page.

I’m so disappointed that we won’t be able to attend the gathering. We have out of state guests coming to visit, but they can’t stay here because of the noise, and fear of being so close to 12 tanks, and a compressor. Nice, huh? We can’t even have guests stay in our home.

The other day, as I was showing two nice men (wink) the wells, a neighbor was burning brush not even 100 feet away from the 12 tanks. I called the fire dept, they said we’re under a burn ban, and besides no one should ever burn anything that close to a gas site. (D’oh!) Did they come out? No, they told me to call 911, because “It all needed to be done by proper procedure.” What? By then I just gave up. I’ve been living this hell for 6 yrs, I’m tired.


J.J.Brown February 22, 2013 at 6:04 pm

Thank you for sharing this, it is heartwarming to see people pulling together to preserve our rights to clean air, water, land – our future.


TXsharon February 22, 2013 at 7:07 pm

Your book looks interesting.


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