Brittany Maynard, the 29-year-old woman with terminal cancer choosing to take her life on Saturday, says she has completed her bucket list after visiting the Grand Canyon.

"The Canyon was breathtakingly beautiful, and I was able to enjoy my time with the two things I love most: my family and nature," Maynard wrote in a blog post last week.

This month, Maynard made headlines for sharing her decision to choose assisted suicide, becoming the public face for the non-profit Compassion and Choices, which advocates for end-of-life choice.

Maynard was diagnosed with a stage 4 malignant brain tumor in April, a diagnosis she was told would be "a terrible, terrible way to die," she said in a video posted Oct. 6 on YouTube.

Maynard moved from California to Oregon, where she can legally kill herself with lethal medication. She is scheduled to die Saturday, two days after her husband's Oct. 30 birthday.

Even during her Grand Canyon trip, Maynard wrote that she experienced severe headaches, neck pains and "my worst seizure thus far."

"The seizure was a harsh reminder that my symptoms continue to worsen as the tumor runs its course. ... My dream is that every terminally ill American has access to the choice to die on their own terms with dignity," she wrote in the blog post.

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