OMG! I am so shocked (not) that Texas lied about the cancer cluster!

by TXsharon on April 1, 2014

in Flower Mound

Um, hell yeah the state lied. This study sat in Governor Rick Perry’s office for months before they released it.

But let’s get real here:

Who thinks you can breathe hydrocarbons and not get sick?


Now, would someone (besides Earthworks) please study the Dish blood and urine study conducted by the state? Because, as I’ve been saying, the real results of that study are entirely different from the state’s spin.

{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }

Kim Feil April 1, 2014 at 11:11 am

75028 was one of the zip codes originally involved and if you read the Jacob Bloom story, it makes this much more tangible that these are real people….not that the industry cares…


Kim Feil April 1, 2014 at 11:13 am

WFAA just re-ran this story at noon today


Jim April 1, 2014 at 11:19 am

“Now, would someone (besides Earthworks) please study the Dish blood and urine study conducted by the state? Because, as I’ve been saying, the real results of that study are entirely different from the state’s spin.”

Yeah, this “re-analysis” (not a new “study”) tackles that – starting 40 pages in (p.265). But the entire mainstream media coverage of this journal article is totally missing the point. The first half IS an indictment of the way the state and federal governments fail to adequately regulate air pollution hazards from gas mining in the Barnett, thus the re-visiting of DISH, Flower Mound, etc. But the Professor uses this re-examination to build the case in the second half of her piece for why and how local governments should be given more regulatory powers to deal with these hazards. That’s what she’s really advocating for – more local control. For a take on the entire 81-page, almost 600 footnote epic, please see our post at:


David April 1, 2014 at 11:25 am
Kim Feil April 1, 2014 at 11:33 am

comment on this link

1. Sara said on March 27, 2014

“It is terrifying to read about this. I work in a pediatric office in Flower Mound, and I have heard that the rates of developmental disorders in children are extremely high here also.”


TXsharon April 1, 2014 at 11:53 am

BTW, Alisa Rich and I met with Rawlins quite a while back and we pointed her to the FM and Dish studies. And more…


CoughingThroughTears April 2, 2014 at 8:47 am

I would show this to my husband, but he died of secondary leukemia, two years after drilling came to our back yard.


Anymous April 2, 2014 at 1:00 pm

In a case like this one, don’t trust any of these Texas Colleges & Universities to be trustworthy. For an instance have them disclose their ownership in mineral interests and the donation made, within the last 5 years, by Oil & Gas companies and related entities. You will be surprised. These Universities are not about to harm this flow of money into their caufers.


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