License Music For Anything
Rumblefish is leading the way in music licensing technology and services by providing the most comprehensive solution for a global creative community of musicians, labels, video & app creators, and networks. Just ask Shutterstock, SocialCam, CD Baby, APM or YouTube.
Monetize Your Catalog
We power music micro-licensing solutions for the top apps and marketplaces, making music for online social video easy and legal.
Music For Your Users’ Videos
Our exclusive micro-licensing network and longstanding relationship with YouTube generates millions of dollars for our artists, publishers, labels and libraries.
License Music
From online to broadcast TV, new media to background music, we’ll find you the perfect piece of music from our extensive and eclectic catalog and give you world-class customer service all along the way.

The more your music is used on YouTube, the more money you make. We get your songs into more videos, optimize your data for premium monetization and find the videos that YouTube’s system can’t identify. You’re in good hands, monetize with us.

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Everyone with a phone is making videos and they all need music. Our exclusive micro-licensing platform puts music legally into over 50,000 videos every day, getting you paid. Get in on the action.

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As simple as using a bar code, our exclusive, patent-pending license keys (RADKeys) make it easy for video creators to communicate the rights they’ve licensed to sites like YouTube, and puts powerful usage data in content owners hands. Buy and issue licenses with RADKeys and take control of your rights. See how it works.

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Monetize YouTube

We get your music into more videos, making you more money. We grow your inventory, get you more views, and ensure your data is optimized so you can make the most money from your music.

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Monetize YouTube
Monetize Apps

Make Money with Micro-Licensing

Over 7 million online videos are made everyday, and every one needs a soundtrack. We put your music front and center in the best video sites, communities and applications so your songs get used and you get paid.

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Tell YouTube what Rights You’ve Licensed with a RADKeyTM

Automatically administer rights for every use of a piece of music in a video with a RADKey. Our proprietary technology inserts RADKey metadata into each video, and rights are administered on a video by video basis.

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Stay Informed

From indies to majors; aggregators to tastemakers; production music libraries to video assets, we manage a broad spectrum of content, hosting the largest pre-cleared catalog of music in the world.

We provide music micro-licensing solutions for the top apps and marketplaces, making music for online social video easy and legal and have had over 65 million videos use our music tracks, resulting in millions of dollars in royalties paid to artists.

We’re continually developing technology to manage all copyrights worldwide, creating the first frictionless music licensing solution so musicians and content creators can get paid and continue to MAKE MORE ART. Enter your email address below to keep up to date with all things Rumblelfish.
