
Public Health Agency of Canada

  • Blogs

    October 16, 2014

    Media Still Misstating Science on Ebola Transmission

    News media continue to present a picture of Ebola transmission that is significantly inaccurate by omission. They assert much more certainty than the science justifies. The version repeated like a mantra in most accounts -- only direct physical contact with an infectious person -- is wrong on its fa ... More >>

  • Blogs

    October 1, 2014

    Even the CDC Isn't Totally Sold on its Own Proclamations on How Ebola Is Transmitted

    Today in multiple stories, our only and always comforting local daily, The Dallas Morning News, reiterates the official public line of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control: that physical contact with a person suffering symptoms of Ebola disease is the only mechanism of transmission by which the Ebol ... More >>
