October 6, 2014

Most Are Confident in Government’s Ability to Prevent Major Ebola Outbreak in U.S.

Just 11% Are ‘Very Worried’ They Will Be Exposed to Virus

Survey Report

As the Ebola outbreak in Africa continues, and two patients receive treatment in the U.S., most Americans have at least a fair amount of confidence in the government’s ability to prevent a major outbreak of Ebola in the U.S. In addition, relatively few are concerned that they or a family member will be exposed to the virus.

So Far, No Evidence of Widespread Alarm over EbolaThe new national survey by the Pew Research Center, conducted Oct. 2-5 among 1,007 adults, finds that 20% say they have a “great deal” of confidence in the federal government to prevent a major outbreak of Ebola in the U.S., while another 38% say they have a “fair amount” of confidence. Fewer than half express “not too much confidence” (24%) or “no confidence at all” (17%) in the government to prevent a major Ebola outbreak.

So far, the Ebola virus has not led to widespread concern about personal health: Just 11% are very worried that they or someone in their family will be exposed to the virus, while another 21% are somewhat worried. Two-thirds say they are either not too (37%) or not at all worried (30%) about contracting Ebola.

Public concern over the possibility of contracting the Ebola virus is lower than for other recent public health threats. In August 2009, 45% were worried about the possibility of being exposed to swine flu, and in November 2005, 38% worried about contracting bird flu.

Republicans Less Confident in Gov’t Ability to Prevent Ebola Outbreak

Republicans are much more skeptical than Democrats and independents about the government’s ability to prevent a major Ebola outbreak in the U.S.

Shifting Partisan Views of Federal Government’s Handling of Health Crises By more than two-to-one, more Democrats say they have a great deal or fair amount of confidence in the government to deal with Ebola (69%) than not much or no confidence at all (28%). Independents also are confident in the government’s ability to prevent an Ebola outbreak in the U.S. (56% vs. 42%). Republicans are divided: About as many say they have little or no confidence (51%) in the federal government to prevent a major Ebola outbreak as say they have a great deal or fair amount of confidence (48%).

In November 2005, amid concerns over an outbreak of bird flu, Republicans were far more confident than Democrats in the government’s ability to prevent a major outbreak. At that time, shortly after the Bush administration was widely criticized for its response to Hurricane Katrina, 74% of Republicans and just 35% of Democrats expressed confidence in the government’s ability to deal with a possible bird flu outbreak.

Blacks, Hispanics More Concerned about Exposure to Ebola

Ebola Concern Higher among Non-Whites, Women, Less EducatedNearly half of blacks (47%) and 39% of Hispanics say they are very or somewhat worried about being exposed to the Ebola virus. By contrast, just 27% of whites are worried about getting the virus.

Women (37%) are somewhat more concerned than men (27%) that they or someone in their family will be exposed to Ebola.

Concern over Ebola exposure is higher among those with less education. Only about one-in-five college graduates (22%) say they are worried about being exposed to the Ebola virus. By comparison, 34% of those with some college experience and 38% of those with no more than a high school diploma say they are worried that they may contract Ebola.