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Jeff McMahon Contributor

I cover green technology, energy and the environment from Chicago. full bio →

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I have covered the relationship between humans and our natural environment since 1985, when I discovered my college was discarding radioactive waste in the dumpster behind the medical labs. That story ran in the Arizona Republic, and I have worked the energy-and-environment beat ever since—for dailies in Arizona and California, for alternative weeklies including New Times and Newcity, for online innovators such as True/Slant, The Weather Channel's Forecast Earth project, and The New York Times Company's LifeWire syndicate. I've wandered far afield—to cover the counterrevolutionary war in Nicaragua, the World Series Earthquake in San Francisco, the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen. For the last several years I have also been teaching journalism and other varieties of non-fiction at the University of Chicago. Email me. Visit me here: Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, or my personal homepage.

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The author is a Forbes contributor. The opinions expressed are those of the writer.

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Pollution Fears Crush Home Prices Near Fracking Wells

Whether or not fracking causes groundwater pollution, people fear the risk enough that property values have dropped for homes with drinking-water wells near shale-gas pads, according to new research.

Researchers from the Unviersity of Calgary and Duke University studied property sales from 1994 to 2012 in 36 Pennsylvania counties and seven counties in New York. They mapped sales against the locations of shale-gas wells, and they compared homes connected to public drinking-water systems to homes with private wells.

Properties with private wells suffered a loss in value compared to properties connected to a municipal water system, they found, offsetting gains in value from mineral-rights royalties. The loss varied with distance from the nearest shale-gas well. At 1.5 kilometers, properties with private wells sold for  about 10 percent less.

“If these two properties are similar in everything but the type of water they are using, then we find that difference equals negative 10 percent,” said Lucija Muehlenbachs, an assistant professor at the University of Calgary, at a seminar today in Washington D.C. sponsored by Resources for the Future, an environmental policy research institute.

Properties suffered greater losses when closer to shale-gas wells where hydraulic fracturing had been employed.

Within 1 km of shale gas wells, properties with private drinking water wells dropped 22 percent in value. Properties connected to public water suffered no losses, but also showed no net gains.

“If you get closer, if you look at the properties that are only 1 km from a shale gas well, then for the ones that are on groundwater we see a 22 percent loss in property values,” Muehlenbachs said, ”and for the ones that have access to pipe water, there’s zero gain, so essentially all of the positive benefits get wiped out by these negative externalities of having this well pad nearby.”

Such negative externalities include truck traffic, noise, light, and air pollution.

Muehlenbachs conducted the research with Elisheba Spiller and Christopher Timmins of Duke University and published the findings in a discussion paper earlier this year.

At distances greater than 2 km from shale gas wells—what Muehlenbachs calls the vicinity level—the researchers found a net increase in property values that declines over time—”evidence of a small boom-bust cycle at the vicinity level.”

Whether shale gas wells actually cause groundwater pollution is a topic fiercely debated.

“We don’t know,” said Alan Krupnick, Senior Fellow and Director of RFF’s Center for Energy Economics and Policy. ”What Lucija is getting in her data is people’s preferences and fears. That’s not necessarily reality, that there’s groundwater pollution, there’s just fear that they’re could be.”

One Department of Energy study found no evidence of upper-aquifer groundwater pollution from a Pennsylvania shale gas well.

Follow Jeff McMahon on FacebookGoogle PlusTwitter, or email him here.

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  • Ed Reid Ed Reid 6 months ago

    If water contamination were a real issue, there would be no need to demand info from the fracking contractors about the chemicals they use in the process. Water analysis would have revealed the answer long since.

    Hopefully, before long, some of these property owners will sue the environmental activists who are creating this panic.

  • Jeff McMahon Jeff McMahon, Contributor 6 months ago

    Krupnik mentioned that Pennsylvania is following a policy of presumptive liability for shale-gas wells. If contamination shows up, and there is no proof it was present before the shale-gas well, PA is going to presume it’s from the shale-gas well. This has given drillers an incentive to test the upper aquifers before they drill. So as time goes by, a lot of data should develop on the condition of PA’s upper aquifers, both before and after fracking.

  • FracDaddy FracDaddy 6 months ago

    Jeff, I live in Susquehanna County PA. Very Close to Bradford County. One of the hot beds of HVHF in PA. I have to say that I disagree with you statements here. In my area land and home prices are up about 30% for 2008 when HVHF came to town. We have consistently gone up, even when the rest of the country was going WAY down. The most interesting thing here is that most people who live near active HVHF wells are not on “city” water and almost all are on well water. Which as a side note has had problems for 100′s of years in this area. And even Ironically most of us in the gas fields don’t have access to NG for heat, Cooking or anything else. I don’t know where this info came from but it really needs to be double checked.

  • Jeff McMahon Jeff McMahon, Contributor 6 months ago

    Thank you for the comment, fracdaddy. But did you read the story? The statements are not mine; they’re from researchers at the University of Calgary and Duke University. The info came from a study they conducted, and their paper is linked above. Here’s the link again:
