Recreation Center ready for updates

By on October 23, 2014

Paul Wedding / Staff Writer

Vice President of Student Affairs Elizabeth With said there would be several updates to the Pohl Recreation Center in the future during the UNT State of the Student Body, including maintenance to the facility.

“The recreation center is now 10 years old, and with any infrastructure, there is maintenance requirements,” Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs Teresa McKinney said.

The biggest current update to the recreation center is roof replacement. It is going to be a four-year process funded with money from the recreation center. Recently, the lap pool has been re-plastered and several pieces of weight equipment have been replaced.

There is talk of expanding the recreation center due to student wants, McKinney said. There is also writing about potential expansion in UNT’s master plan. Many students have also requested an outdoor pool.

Many of the changes that students want would have to be funded through the students’ wallets.

“The recreation center is funded by student fees,” McKinney said. “Potentially, if we were to go with what students have been telling us over the years and expand the rec center, we would have to raise the fees.”

McKinney said the rec center is performing very well as it is now. They listen to student requests and have fulfilled many of them, such as boxing equipment and more weight equipment.

“We invest regularly into the facility to offer students what they’re looking for,” she said. “It’s just if we do some major renovation or expansion of that facility, we’re likely going to have to increase the fee.”

Maintenance is always being done at the recreation center as regular upkeep of an aging facility, recreational sports director Laurie Klein said.

The recreation center is in the middle of a project to renovate the soccer gym floor.

“Parts of the soccer gym have been starting to rise. There is possibly water under the floor,” Klein said.

The goal of the recreation center is to meet the needs of all of the different activities students want to do, Klein said.

Kinesiology senior Alex MacNabb uses the recreation center on a weekly basis and is satisfied with the upkeep and maintenance of everything Pohl has to offer.

“My only complaint would be the hours,” MacNabb said. “Being a full-time student and a part-time worker, it is hard to fit in time. Especially on weekends because they close early.”

Expansion of hours is the most frequent request from students, according to the UNT master plan.

Featured Image: Chemistry sophomore Alexia Pena, left, and advertising senior E.J. Stancil lift weights at the Pohl Recreation Center on Wednesday night. Photo by Byron Thompson – Senior Staff Photographer

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