Big Gas Mafia Irony BurnsTa-tas.

by TXsharon on September 2, 2011

in health

Normally, I love irony but this is irony burns the ta-tas.

Pink rig drilling to raise money for breast cancer

Pink rig drilling to raise money for breast cancer
Roughnecks go pink for breast cancer
It’s big, pink, costs more than $1 million and is raising money for breast cancer research every day. This pink machine is doing two very important jobs at once

Job One: Make billions in profit for CEO.

Job Two: Give cash to breast cancer research so no one notices breast cancer has increased in the Gas Patch.

Code Pink: Save the Ta-tas.

UPDATE: It gets even better…

Williams fined $423K for contamination of spring near Parachute
Amount reduced due to ‘prompt, effective and prudent response’

The COGCC’s investigation concluded that Williams’ gas drilling activities, and particularly a leaking liner used in a pit to contain water laced with hydrocarbons and chemicals, contaminated the spring in question. The investigation revealed the presence of benzene, a carcinogenic chemical known to be used in some of the procedures involved in gas exploration.

Multiple studies point to a correlation between benzene exposure and breast cancer risk

Does this come with an asbestos liner or benzene barrier?

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