Oklahoma Liquids Plays

USGS: More Than Two-Dozen Earthquakes Rattle Oklahoma in a Week

Twenty-six small earthquakes have rattled the state of Oklahoma over the past week -- including seven on Saturday alone -- according to data from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Read More

Oklahoma Governor Signs Bill Modifying Gross Production Tax Incentive

Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin signed an industry-backed bill Wednesday to modify the state tax rate on gross oil and natural gas production, setting a 2% tax rate for the first 36 months of production and setting the same rate for both horizontal and vertical wells. Read More

Oklahoma Lawmakers Pass Drilling Tax Incentive

Legislation that provides for a permanent, lowered tax rate for new oil and natural gas wells in Oklahoma is on its way to Gov. Mary Fallin, who is expected to sign it, after passing both houses of the state legislature. Read More

Oklahoma Considers Tax Hike on Unconventional Drilling

In the state with the nation's second-highest drilling rig count, Oklahoma elected and industry officials are considering an across-the-board hike of the tax on oil/natural drilling, but it would still be considerably lower than a counter proposal by a billionaire philanthropist in Oklahoma City. Read More

145 Quakes in Oklahoma Since January, U.S./State Jointly Report

Concluding there could be a tie to oil and natural gas production activity, U.S. and Oklahoma Geological Survey officials jointly reported Monday that 145 3.0-magnitude or stronger earthquakes have occurred in the state so far this year. Read More

Newfield Stepping Up Oklahoma SCOOP, STACK Activity

During the first quarter, Newfield Exploration Co. continued to ply its SCOOP (South Central Oklahoma Oil Province) and STACK (because of stacked pay zones) plays in Oklahoma, where the company is enjoying high rates of return and rapid liquids growth, Newfield COO Gary Packer said Wednesday. Read More

Not So Fast in Miss Lime/Woodford Stacks, but Pilots Holding Promise

The Mississippian Lime (ML) formation hasn't proven itself to be a go-to drilling spot yet, but pilot wells show promise where the rocks... Read More

Geologic, Regulatory Aftershocks from Latest Oklahoma Quakes

More earthquakes jolted parts of central Oklahoma Saturday, prompting added speculation about the ties between the quakes and oil and natural gas drilling wastewater injection processes. Although small in magnitude -- measuring 2.6-4.0 on the Richter Scale -- the frequency of the tremors has already surpassed 2013 totals, according to the Oklahoma Geological Survey (OGS). Read More

Oklahoma Regulators Seek More E&P Seismic Data

Calling the state "seismically active," Oklahoma regulators are working with state Geological Survey (OGS) and seeking more detailed records from oil and natural gas exploration and production (E&P) operators on activity related to well stimulation and wastewater injection practices. Read More

Marathon Oil CEO 'Encouraged' by Crude Export Talk

Marathon Oil Corp. has not been pursuing a swap or permit arrangement that would allow it to export domestic oil production, CEO Lee Tillman said Thursday. However, the leading Eagle Ford Shale producer is carrying the torch for the pro-export cause and watching attitudes toward crude exports evolve. Read More