
Journalism in the Public Interest

Help Us Report On The American Red Cross
by Justin Elliott
ProPublica, Oct. 29, 2014, 5:26 am

ProPublica is reporting on how the American Red Cross operates and how it spends hundreds of millions of dollars donated by Americans every year. Many people who care deeply about this important institution have spoken to us, helping us to better understand the Red Cross and its problems after Isaac and Sandy.

If you have experience with or information about the American Red Cross, including its financial and statistical reporting, you can help us in several ways.


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Help Us Report On The American Red Cross

If you've worked for the Red Cross, or received assistance from the organization, we'd like to talk to you.

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After Superstorm Sandy, Americans opened their wallets to the Red Cross. They trusted the charity and believed it was up to the job. They were wrong.

Ask ProPublica Anything About the American Red Cross and Its Secret Sandy Disaster

Our reporters are opening up their investigation into the Red Cross, its disaster relief efforts and where it failed. Join the discussion.

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