City Council Preview – October 1, 2013

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ComeinOpenDespite the dysfunction in Washington, your local city government continues to operate, pass balanced budgets every year, and get things done. As such, it’s time for another City Council meeting in beautiful Denton, Texas! Tuesday’s meeting begins with a Work Session at 3pm followed by a Regular Session at 6:30pm. Click here for the full agenda with backup materials. Here are a few items that might interest you…

The city’s Traffic Safety Commission recently recommended an ordinance making it against the law to use a mobile communication device while operating a motor vehicle. We will hear more about that recommendation, how other cities approach this issue, and so much more during this Work Session discussion. We are not voting on an ordinance, rather we are hearing the information and giving guidance on whether or not to proceed with exploring this possibility.

Have thoughts on this? There’s a great discussion taking place on my council Facebook page right now – join in.

As early as later October, construction on the I35 expansion is set to begin with an estimated end date in 2016. We will begin seeing work in Denton at some point this summer. The goal of this phase of the project within our city limits is to see an additional general purpose lane in both directions from the city line to the South all the way to US380 to the North.

Council we hear an update on the project and more information on how to stay current on all the upcoming changes. In the meantime, I’d encourage you all to head over to the DCTA website and begin acquainting yourself with the ins and outs of the A-Train. The mess of I35 these next couple of years will cause many people to reconsider their relationship with public transportation.

We’ll hear another update on a possible Convention Center project that has been in the works for some time. This has been a goal of the city, the university, and the business community for several year and the issue has been a source of contention in recent city council elections, with those advocating for it being elected each time. As we get closer to a possible agreement, council will continue to vet the terms of any such agreement to make sure the city is not only well protected, but that such a project brings the city many benefits.

Because Queenie’s Steakhouse (formerly the Love Shack) in downtown is interested in running a valet stand outside their restaurant, the city is having to look at its policies in this regard. We’ll be hearing about suggested ordinances.

As always, if you have any questions or comments, please feel to let me know!

  1. Christopher says:

    The valet at Queenie’s is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen in Denton. A public parking lot not thirty feet away.

    • Scott says:

      Not to mention Queenie’s has their own parking lot which should effectively service their customers. I’ve never even seen their lot full. So, essentially, they take up and block off public street parking for their benefit?

  2. First, I think that the I35 project needs to be a necessity. The “bottleneck” has been a plague to people coming to and from Denton. Second, a larger convention center would be great, but also in that I think we need to consider the possibilities of transportation and a good place where public transportation will be accessible needs to be thought of as well. Third, I do see that the valet is a little strange, I am not sure if it is something that is needed.

  3. Kurtis Poteet says:

    I’ve been to Queenie’s twice and I am happy It’s here in town, but they shouldn’t be allowed to use public parking as if it is their own property. Just as a side note, please please please never put in parking meters on the square.

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