

Fox News' Shep Smith Gets Serious on Ebola

Fox News anchor Shepard Smith is noted for being a levelheaded journalist who isn't afraid to take a moment to set things straight.

He took a few minutes Wednesday afternoon to lay out the facts about Ebola cases in the United States and address some misleading stories that have begun to circulate. It's well worth a watch.

While Smith is spot-on that people in the U.S. are relatively safe from the virus, it is also important to note that the situation in West Africa is getting worse. There may not be an outbreak in the U.S., but the World Health Organization warns that there could be 10,000 new cases per week in West Africa by December.

That escalation opens the door to serious geopolitical, macroeconomic and health consequences.

Later, Smith took issue with Fox News correspondent Doug McKelway's use of the phrase "widespread panic" to describe the national reaction to Ebola. Smith did mention the outbreak in Africa at that point, noting that there's no such outbreak in the U.S. "It's not worth ratings," he said.

H/t to CNN's Brian Stelter for uploading the video.

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