100 Dallas Creatives: No. 50 Dallas Arts District

Categories: 100 Creatives


The midpoint of this list seemed the appropriate time to acknowledge the Dallas Arts District. Decades in the making, the Dallas Arts District signals not only the city's dedication to the arts, but is a significant promise to future generations. It's reshaped how Dallas thinks and talks about the arts, for both good and bad.

In this five-pronged edition of 100 Creatives, we chat with Catherine Cuellar, who runs a nonprofit named Dallas Arts District, which she describes as a homeowner's association of sorts. The neighborhood and its leaders have been shaping the arts scene, from the AT&T Performing Arts Center's interest in presenting both touring productions and local artistic organizations to the Nasher Sculpture Center's investment in the city with projects like Nasher Xchange, and of course the resident companies who are creating the art in the gorgeous buildings, like Dallas Black Dance Theatre and TITAS. It's this top-level leadership that provides a stronghold for the entire arts scene. We can blame it and praise it for things. What happens in the Dallas Arts District is not the only arts scene in Dallas. Hardly. But's an important component of the cultural landscape in Dallas and for that, we've included the neighborhood in this list.

My Voice Nation Help

The "Wiley" Theater? Is that the one named after Mr. Coyote?

The Myerson "Sympathy"?  Is that the center where you go to get people to feel sorry for you?

Is there an editor in the building?

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