Weekend Challenge: 5x5 - Pause

Hi there, my paused pals,

If you don't already know, the 5x5 format is very simple: a 25-second video composed of five 5-second clips, using only natural sound. With those constraints, conscientious decisions and creativity really shine.

MaybeMaybe's winning entry from the "Your Great Outdoors" 5x5 Challenge.

For this week's 5x5, our theme is "Pause" — with only 25 seconds, how will you decide to interpret the theme? Maybe you'll share 5-second snippets of your day, like a micro-documentary, or you could go for something a little avant-garde, full of color and texture and subtlety. Anything goes, as long as it's made of 5 clips, 5 seconds each, and has natural sound.

Karl's winning entry from the "Simplicity" Challenge.

This project is great for practicing new techniques, and focusing in on something that you might not spend time on otherwise. Think about how you could use different aspects of moviemaking, like transitions, unique shots, and natural sound. There's plenty of beauty and lots to tell in only 25 seconds!

The Rules:

+ Create a 5x5 representing "Pause" in some way! Remember that only videos made specifically for this Challenge will be considered.

+ Use only natural sound — using an external mic is fine, but let whatever was happening while you were filming be heard!

+ Add this at the end of your video's description: "Created for the Weekend Challenge: vimeo.com/groups/weekendchallenge"

+ Upload and post your video to the Weekend Challenge Group by ***Tuesday, October 28th, 2014*** at 11:59 PM (EST). Just follow the screenshots below:

The Prizes:

+ The winner will receive a Challenge badge on their video, and free Vimeo Plus account for one year! If you're already a Plus member, you'll get another year tacked on to the end of your current subscription.

+ The runner-up will receive an extra 3GB of upload space in their weekly quota!

All videos must be approved by the Vimeo Staff before appearing in the Group, so don't worry if your video doesn't show up at first; we'll get to it!

Ready for a challenge?

Create a 5x5 around the theme "Pause"!

Accept this challenge



Enlighten Fawn

Enlighten Fawn

Wow, this one Is a Challenge! The two Winning video's above are Excellent!

Leticia P.

Leticia P.

Can I still participate? or am I too late? XD

Floris Re

Floris Re

"Upload and post your video to the Weekend Challenge Group by ***Tuesday, October 28th, 2014*** at 11:59 PM (EST). Just follow the screenshots below:"

go ahead

Viktor Ragnemar

Viktor Ragnemar Plus

By "Natural Sound" do you mean sounds from nature? Or just the natural sounds what you are filming made when you filmed it...?

Viktor Ragnemar

Viktor Ragnemar Plus

Thought so... Could make for some strange effects if you had to use only nature sounds :)

The Wakeful Tree

The Wakeful Tree

I've uploaded my video and selected the Vimeo Weekend Challenge group, however I am unable to see my video in the group.

Sheridan A. Smith

Sheridan A. Smith

I am so freaking sad I didn't find this sooner!! Wish I had. No time to break away and film a video. Next time!



my page does not look like those screenshots. the most recent video on there is from two weeks ago and I cant find the button to post.

Dmitriy Ruban

Dmitriy Ruban

Uploaded a video two days ago ... on the page group it has not appeared

Tommy ilai

Tommy ilai PRO

Regards! for sure I'll love the next challenge cause I discover just this morning about the project.
have fun to everyone.

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Lesson Summary

Show five unique five-second shots in a classic Vimeo project.

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