Hutchins BBQ in Frisco Is Easily a Top Ten DFW BBQ Joint

Rachael Cleaver
"I mean, you could actually, really, physically have sex with that plate." -- Scott Reitz
American football. It's a real thing. You know it, I know it. We've all seen it. The thrills, the spills, the very precise numbering on the field. There was a time when Dallas was America's center for said thrills and spills. Now it is but a hollow shell of football, the smoked chicken to the Seahawks' brisket, the USMNT to Denver's Germans.

Now, those are pretty much the extent of any jokes I can make about football, and they weren't even structured like jokes, or indeed at all funny. However, even I know that allowing your barbecue restaurant to be named after a defensive tackle who retired in 1988, no matter how good said defensive tackle was (and Wikipedia assures me he certainly could stop people going where they desired to go) has to end sometime, especially when the team he used to play for are now bad enough to make people sad.

And so it is that Randy White Hall of Fame BBQ, never the most catchy of names for a restaurant and suggesting some sort of weird theme breastaurant anyway, came to be the second outlet for famed McKinney barbecuers Hutchins.

Here's what happened. Bear with me, because this is boring. First, there was a Hutchins in McKinney. Then, there was a Hutchins in Frisco. Then Mr. Hutchins made friends with Randy White (or was threatened by him, perhaps, we just don't know) and re-named the Frisco place. Then, earlier this year, everyone decided they didn't care about Randy White anymore and the place reverted to Hutchins. Got it? Good.

If I was Randy White, I would be sad, though, because the quality of barbecue at this place is amazing. Really, I went expecting another suburban joint with dry, grey brisket (much like the picture of the brisket from our recent first look at Ten50 Barbecue) surrounded by chains and uninspiring strip malls. I was right about the strip malls (try playing "spot the independent business" in a three-mile radius of Hutchins BBQ, you just can't do it) but terribly wrong about the brisket.

See also: Englishman in BBQ Sauce Archives

The brisket at this outlet of Hutchins is top ten in Dallas. Of course, I could have caught it on the best day ever, when the pit master woke up feeling like rainbows and smelling like smoked petunias, and lord knows the guy cutting the brisket tried desperately to give me lean brisket, but when I eventually persuaded him to furnish me with 100% marbled, it was a song of beef. Smoky, rubbed, marbled throughout, a perfect texture, it was easily the equal of anything I've had at the Slow Bone, for example. This doesn't feel like the sort of brisket you can just accidentally create.

Gavin Cleaver
It wouldn't be one of my columns without an abysmal, unfocused photo of a generic Texas BBQ interior.

Now, I have no idea if the removal of Mr. White improved the brisket. To speculate so would be ungrounded vicious rumor, but what we can almost certainly say is that his harsh dismissal from the title of this establishment didn't hurt. Not only is the brisket top-notch, the sausage is almost perfect and the pulled pork didn't need sauce. Think about that for a second -- the pulled pork did not need any further seasoning.

Other notable things inside what is a charming wooden building that looks a bit like if Hard 8 was trying less hard, which would be good for it -- it has all you can eat barbecue for $17.99, which is only slightly more than just buying one pound of brisket. That is an obscenely good deal. Also, alongside the free ice cream that is a staple of barbecue restaurants, there is totally free peach cobbler and banana pudding. I mean, I could have totally misread the signs and just stolen dessert, but it definitely looked free. It was over by the soda machine. It was also not terrible.

Sorry then, Mr. White, but your attempts to keep this place off the radar by listing it on Google Maps as "RANDY WHITE BBQ IS PERMANENTLY CLOSED" are just not going to fly any more. I assume that was you, as that strikes me as the sort of thing I would do if I were kicked out of a restaurant.

Go here. It is second only to north Lockhart Smokehouse in the northern 'burbs.

My Voice Nation Help

Seriously, why do you never put addresses in these posts??


Goddam it. Keep your mouth shut. If you tell everyone then I'll have to wait in line longer than I already do.


I was lucky enough to drop by their 2nd day of business (on a Friday) and I could not believe how dialed in they were on their 2nd 3 brisket in this area for sure, and that includes Pecan Lodge, especially if you get Tavo to leave the fat on! Love that they are now only 3 miles from my Q in North Texas for me...and they are now making their own sausage as well which is fantastic! I prefer the cheddar and jalapeno over their hot link....good eats all around! 

Sotiredofitall topcommenter

Thanks but I'll just go next door; neighbor finished building an industrial size smoker (old propane tank) and is already turning out competition quality meats.


Does anyone know if there were other changes made than justthe name? The reason I inquire is because I visited this place with a friend back in January/February or so (when it was still White's), and our expeience was completely opposite. Neither of us were impressed, AT ALL! Both the cafeteria style setup and the quality of food reminded me of Dickie's, which technically may be bbq, but I personally do not recognize it as such.... Three Stacks down the road or Rudy's over off of the tollway both would have been easily better choices for bbq in the Frisco area. And the decor was AWEFUL! Imagine a cowboy (not Dallas Cowboy) themed Chili's. Or better yet, imagine "Hoarders" filmed at a farmhouse.


Hutchins is the real deal........our own hidden secret.  Until now; hopefully we won't see a bunch of people with flat billed hats yelling "brah".  Place is real chill; it is always my launching point heading to the mountains. Kerg's mountain checklist:



-Brisket, pork, chicken

-Hutchins BBQ

-Byrds CD


Poking fun at the Cowpokes is never not funny. Was talking with a guy at Fight Night and he says his teenagers do not watch them. They are Ranger fans and don't understand what all the hooplah is over the Girls, er I mean Pokes. Maybe there is hope left in the world.

Oh yeah, that brisket looks good but I'm not driving to Frisco.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

Ok, I give, Ill try it.  You are the 3rd person to tell me this place has top notch brisket.  

5 games in, a new permanent manager +7 gd, 12 points and 2nd in the table, pretty good start considering how the first 5 minutes of the season went for your Hornets

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@Sotiredofitall how was his weekend bbq?  I saw you mentioned he had the smoker going Friday afternoon

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@kergo1spaceship Comfortable camping weather is right around the corner!  

gavin.cleaver moderator

@ScottsMerkin Amazing start, but I'm not sure about the manager situation. It seems like all the whiny crybaby players who weren't getting in the team have got their way. I dunno, we'll see. Garcia did well with Brighton last season, but if we don't get promotion now the board are going to look pretty stupid.

Sotiredofitall topcommenter

@ScottsMerkin @Sotiredofitall An excellent selection of meats, the kid has skills.  Excess beer consumption and silly games until too dark to play. 

Made the morning walk slow and late in starting.


@ScottsMerkin  Its amazing how many people say that they hate camping but have only ever camped during the summer. Fuck that shit. I never camp unless the walk from the fire to the sleeping bag is a cold one.


@JustSaying @ScottsMerkin

so true!  me and the kids (sometimes the wife) camp in summer in a cabin w/AC.......otherwise, camping season is September-May; anything else is a beating of the HIGHEST order.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@JustSaying my first ever camping excursion was the early spring race at TMS  a few years ago. (yes, I never went camping as a kid, something I will not let happen to lil merkin)  and the daytime temp was 80's but nighttime was a cool 50.  The experience was something that made me want to camp more.  Now if it had been 110 and low of 82, fuck that, Im out


@ScottsMerkin It also helps the experience when its cold because it takes bugs and snakes out of the equation. And there aren't many feelings more refreshing than your first morning piss being an outdoor one on a cool day.

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