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Poll: Anger at Slumping Economy Adds to Dems' Midterm Woes
WH Backs Off 'Chickens..t' Insult Against Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu
The White House has quickly backtracked on a senior administration official’s “chickens..t” insult against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.... [Full Story]
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie told a heckler to "sit down and shut [Full Story]
Americans no longer believe that the government needs to make sure everyone [Full Story]
Desperate Democrats are rushing to save suddenly vulnerable House [Full Story]
A nurse who treated Ebola patients in West Africa said she plans to end [Full Story]
Experts Claim Increase in Ebola Quarantines Likely
SPECIAL: What To Do Now To Protect Yourself and Your Family [Full Story]
What police have labeled the latest act of terror in New York City didn't [Full Story]
President Barack Obama may be refusing calls for a travel ban from the [Full Story]
Sen. Kelly Ayotte says the U.S. plan to train moderate rebels in Syria [Full Story]
Ex-US Ambassador to Iraq: Obama Still Not Listening on ISIS
President Barack Obama still is not listening to advisers on combating [Full Story]
New York City's first Ebola patient, Dr. Craig Spencer, allegedly lied [Full Story]
Louisiana has a message for many of the scientists and medical experts [Full Story]
Dick Morris: Joni Ernst Is a Smarter Sarah Palin
Republican political strategist Dick Morris shrugged off the news [Full Story] |
Maine health officials say until a judge signs off on a court order they [Full Story]
With several crises hitting the Obama administration in rapid succession, [Full Story]
US Commando Who Killed Bin Laden to Reveal Identity
The U.S. Navy Seal commando who fired the shots which killed Al-Qaeda chief [Full Story]
Report: Multiple Crises Test Obama Team's Ability to Cope
With several crises hitting the Obama administration in rapid succession, the president's national security team is facing questions about its ability to control or get ahead of them, The New York Times reports. [Full Story]
Poll: Scott Walker Opens Up 7-Point Lead in Wisc. Governor's Race
Republican Gov. Scott Walker has jumped to a seven-point lead against Democratic challenger Mary Burke as the contentious Wisconsin gubernatorial race heads toward the finish line, a new survey shows. [Full Story]
Carly Fiorina: Female Voters Fed Up With Phony 'War on Women'
The nation is fed up with the phony war on women that Democrats are endlessly accusing Republicans of waging, says Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard. [Full Story] |
Syrian Rebels Enter Kurdish Town from Turkey
A small group of Syrian rebels entered the embattled border town of Kobani from Turkey on Wednesday on a mission to help Kurdish fighters battling Islamic State extremists in Syria, activists and Kurdish officials said.The group of around 50 armed men is from the Free... [Full Story]
Soda Can Kill You in 7 Ways: Researchers
Many Americans have taken to heart the onslaught of studies indicating that drinking sodas is bad for their health. Consumption has been steadily decreasing during the past decade, and the downward trend continues. A recent Gallup poll found that 63 percent of people ... [Full Story]
Google Working on Cancer-Detecting Pill
Google is working on a cancer-detecting pill in its latest effort to push the boundaries of technology. Still in the experimental stage, the pill is packed with tiny magnetic particles, which can travel through a patient's bloodstream, search for malignant cells and report... [Full Story]
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