Sammy's Bar-B-Q Has a Great Location, a Great Patio and Great Sides, But ...

Gavin Cleaver
The patio is just delightful, and completely unused.
Imagine somewhere in Uptown, right in between Oak Lawn and the Arts District, had a gigantic patio, shaded under greenery, full of tables, chairs, ephemera, and a huge covering. You would imagine that place would be absolutely rammed at lunchtime, that to get a table you'd have to know someone, or punch someone, or know someone who you could punch.

This is not the case at Sammy's Bar-B-Q. Sammy's Bar-B-Q, gorgeous patio and all, is the Marie Celeste of urban barbecue.

When I arrived at Sammy's, at prime lunching hour, I figured the place was closed. No one was in the parking lot. Not a soul was in evidence on the gigantic shady delightful patio. Heading inside, down past the necessary and expected huge pile of wood, there's a door that sticks pretty badly which opens into a delightful old-school wooden barbecue place, like a much larger version of the OG Sonny's on Inwood. It felt a bit like I was breaking into someone's house to get food. There are faded signs on the walls, a lunch-line with trays, you know. Typical lunchtime barbecue stuff.

See Also: Englishman in Barbecue Sauce Archives

I wanted to like the place. I do, in fact. I like the place. It's a great location, one that's central but because of all the shading and the relatively obscure street feels out of the way. The patio is amazing, and the restaurant itself is "totes adorbz," as the kids probably said once seven years ago and for some reason we still attribute it to them. If this place could serve good barbecue, I could see myself hanging out here a lot.

But that brisket. Flavorless, tough grey strips of lean meat were sliced thin and put on my plate, with chewy caps of fat, and my request for sauce on the side became a request for sauce on the meat. Which, it turns out, was for the best.

See Also: Hutchins Barbecue is Easily a Top Ten DFW BBQ Joint

Biting the brisket confirmed my fears. It didn't taste of anything. The outside wasn't even blackened with smoke. It was sad to go to a barbecue place and have the meat not taste at all smoky. I could see the smoker. It had smoke coming out of it. Either that or there is a very small and consistent fire at the back of the restaurant; I can't be sure, I guess. The ribs were small, and though the meat came easily off the bone, there wasn't really enough of it to be sure how it tasted. The sausage was generic barbecue sausage -- it could be smoked, it could not be. It could just be the sauce. Who really knows?

Gavin Cleaver
The offending brisket.
The sides were actually great, screaming "home-cooked." The cheesy potato thing was delightfully ramshackle, and tasted like something mom/mum might make, and the zucchini corn bake was excellent in texture and taste, an innovative and interesting barbecue side. These two things were undoubtedly the highlight, unfortunately.

It would have been great if this was an undiscovered gem. There's virtually no press about it. Every time someone asked me about barbecue downtown, I could have been all, "Well, what about Sammy's?" They would have stood, mouths agape, as I told them about the amazing barbecue that they've probably driven past a thousand times. Well, no. I will not be a hero this week.

Gavin Cleaver
An excellent zucchini cornbread bake thing.

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Is this the place across from a bank near Routh St., almost at the northern side of Woodall Rogers?  I had the impression they were only open for private parties and events.  It's always empty when I go by, unless there's a party/event.


Had my son's rehearsal dinner there. Always been one of the top three in the area. 

Sammy's, Big Al's and Sonny Bryan......


Have never heard anything good about this place except from on person whom I know. However they moved here from NY and thats all I will say about it. Have not tried it myself still but honestly probably never will.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

So there is a new Q truck running around, called Not Just Q.  I suggest giving it a whirl, in fact check out the pic of the sandwich on the FB page.  Im betting you wont be disappointed.


WTF!!!? You caught them on an off day I guess. This is an incredibly unfair article. Sammy's is the best BBQ in town. Period. End of story. The BBQ is great but the sides are OUT OF THIS WORLD. Most of the places in town that call themselves great also call a slice of untoasted white bread "food." I don't count these places. Order the fries at Sammy's and you'll find that you have just been given a huge order of Pomme Frites which Stephen Pyles would be proud of for the cost of a side dish on your lunch plate (effectively $0). Most places would give you re-heated canned beans or horrible tasteless, iceberg lettuce salad for that "price." Speaking of salad, they have 2 options-one comes w a quarter of an avocado and has spinach and a lemon dressing that is out of this world.

This reeks of the type of "journalism" D Magazine was caught doing in their "Best of" series a few years ago in which it was discovered the prizes were awarded via a last-minute, make-shift inner office poll.  Did you take that pic at 2:42 in the afternoon (cuz you were late in doing the assignment)? That's what I'm thinkin'!! 




WTF!!? Sammy's is the best BBQ in town. Period. End of story!!!


Sammy's is a horrible excuse for a BBQ joint. I've been 

there twice and the food SUCKED both times!

Meanwhile, I had the pork ribs at Slow Bone yesterday. They were fantastic!

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter

Very appropriate photo caption.

That brisket does indeed look "offensive".


There was a time when Sammy's was a good place to get BBQ but the quality has gone downhill. Maybe they changed ownership.


Hmmm, very odd.  Every time I have gone there for lunch it was packed and very difficult to find a parking space.  I love Sammy's.  Never had anything from their menu that I didn't love.


Cattleack BBQ @ Alpha & Midway. Only open on Thursday and Fridays for lunch. Their Toddfather is the best!

Sotiredofitall topcommenter

Gavin - Need to review the "401(kBBQ Shack" in Carrollton.  They have no inside seating but three picnic tables for outside seating.

Bet there was no marketing, design or restaurant "consultant" involved.


Isn't that a shame?  All that time, effort and money into a place then the one thing that defines them sucks?  I'm really curious of the thought process--or lack thereof--that goes into this.


always kind of thought this place was overrated back in the day...


@CapGuy  Sonny Bryan? Even the original is crap. Ive never had Sammy's but holy crap you lose credibility with Sonny Bryans. Are you one of those cats that doesn't like bbq if the sauce aint right?


@eb3o Sides?  Who cares about sides?  When you spend your entire comment writing about the sides, that tells me that the actual barbeque isn't very good.

And so it is with Sammy's.  It's a sad monument to a time not so long ago when Dallas didn't have any barbeque that was worth a damn.  Sammy's was the best in Dallas' city limits, back when the only barbeque joints in Dallas were Sonny's and Dickey's (Peggy Sue was always better, but its in UP).  And it was the best in Dallas because its sides were superior--the barbeque at all three was equally tasteless and tough.

We knew there was good barbeque in places like Llano, Mason, and Lockhart.  We just didn't have any here.  That's not true anymore.  We have Pecan Lodge and Lockhart Smokehouse and Slow Bone and Baby Back Shak--places where the meat is excellent and the sides are sides.  

In fact, at Lockhart and Pecan Lodge, I don't bother with sides--that would take room in my belly away from the glorious meat.

Sotiredofitall topcommenter

@eb3o "The lady doth protest too muchmethinks"  I put my trust in Twinwillow and the Merkin

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@eb3o So do they have an off day everyday of the week, because apparently on my 3 separate visits, it was an off day.

primi_timpano topcommenter

@Tw: Tried SB for the first time twice in the last 2 weeks. Outstanding meats And sides, esp the greens. Sammy's has always traded on its locations. It's food is terrible.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter


Are you the new Gabe48?

But do they have handcut fries?


@JustSaying @CapGuy yes, sonny bryan's is THE most over-rated BBQ joint in town. They got "Best of" by everyone for 20+ years. I think people were in love w the down home feel of the place. Meanwhile all I could focus on was untested white bread and crappy canned beans as "sides." The bbq itself is not horrible but everything else makes it so.


@Twinwillow @eb3o not joking and not related. Haven't been to slow bone, but i will gladly try it out-it's a great name for sure.

I have been eating bbq my whole life and i have never had better sides or better sauce-who else takes the time to heat the sauce in easy to use bottles!!!? The bbq itself is very very good. I think it's a lil suspect that the reviewer says the meat fell off the bone but was tough. REALLY!!? That's like having a hot day that was cold. Ne'er the twain shall meet. If it falls off the bone, its tender. Period.

Did you order the fires? For the "price" of a side dish w your lunch plate, you get a huge basket of what should be called pomme frites. How about the spinach salad side?


@ScottsMerkin @eb3o what was OFF? It's awesome. And everyone I have ever brought there agrees.  I mean I realize we are talking about an OPINION here and everyone has their own set of taste buds, but I can name 20 people who know it that love that place. I KNOW no one who dislikes it.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@eb3o @Twinwillow HAve you been to Pecan Lodge, or Lockhart Dallas?  Just what bbq have you tried besides Sammy Dickeys and SOnny Bryan?


@eb3o @Twinwillow I've been eating Texas BBQ for over 51 years and one thing i've discovered is, sides do not count. Neither does the sauce. The most important thing about BBQ is the MEAT!

Repeat-THE MEAT!

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

You can over cook ribs, dumbass. The bone willpull right out but the meat will be dry, hence why you need a sauce to brag on.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

Considering I could cook a better tasting brisket out of ancient Egyptian mummies, we can start there. The sides were good, the place was nice but if you are a bbq joint, your BBQ should good. Now if the place was called Sammys Sides and Patio.....


@Twinwillow  I totally agree. Although, I have to admit, when Im eating BBQ I like to have a little bit of mustard potato salad. Just enough to kinda reset my taste buds every so often when Im gorging on a few pounds of meat.


@Twinwillow @eb3o if that's how you feel, you MUST work for Sonny Bryan's bc they definitely feel sides do not count. I myself like to eat an entire MEAL when I go to ANY RESTAURANT. So there u have it: two adults disagreeing. :)


@ScottsMerkin yes but where are you going to get the mummies. Those are pretty expensive. The ribs and sausage are amazing. I am not a brisket guy, but when I DO get brisket I always ask for the lean cuts and they are excellent. I can't comment on anyone's lower brisket cut cuz I can never eat that much lard anywhere.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@eb3o Fine, I can make dirt taste better that that brisket.  Sausage?  look at that pic, I think Dickey's had better sausage and my dog wouldn't even eat that Dickey's sausage.  The ribs are fine...when you add sauce to them which is sad bc this place doesnt represent itself as a KC bbq place, which KC is known for it sauces.  But keep trying lil buddy

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