Letters to the editor, July 29

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Don’t fear the lawyer

And so it begins, the “us-against-them” battle until November. Personally, I’m reveling in the hoopla. This, hopefully, will be democracy in action, the likes of which is seldom seen in apathetic Denton (a condition I’ve long been surprised about considering the fact that there are two universities in town).

Now, down to brass tacks. Surely, people realize that banning fracking doesn’t take mineral rights away from property owners. Oil has been obtained from the ground long before fracking came into being.

Surely, people have been reading about structure-damaging earthquakes in Oklahoma City — wasn’t happening until fracking started.

Surely, people realize that splitting the earth’s crust and forcing toxic chemicals into it can’t be a good thing no matter how much money it may make. After all, what good will money be if this town is poisoned or shaken to death? Oh wait, most of the people for fracking don’t live here, do they?

Please, don’t let the fear of lawsuits be a reason to vote for fracking. Laws are fluid actions that can be changed. That’s what Supreme Courts are for.

Danna Zoltner,



Study up on fracking

Until two years ago, I was a healthy person. Since fracking began to increase exponentially in the city of Denton, I have developed COPD and pneumonia, have had numerous lung infections, been hospitalized four times, developed an aortic stenosis in my heart, and suffered from headaches and nosebleeds. I was one of the healthiest people in Denton until gas wells and fracking began, rode a 3-wheel bicycle everywhere until last year. I was known as the Bicycle Lady.

I retired 3 1/2 years ago from the University of North Texas. While the damage to me may be permanent, I would hate to see other people suffer from the effects of fracking, so I am 100 percent behind the ban on fracking in Denton.

This will come to a vote in the city of Denton in November, and you need to learn all you can about this situation before then. The long-term effects on our health, our air quality and our dwindling water supply are appalling.

Nancy Fitz-Gerald Viens,


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