Weekend Challenge: Untranslatable II

Hello there, my wonderful wordsmiths,

Words are crazy, right!? There's a lot wrapped up in the way we express ourselves through language. I've been feeling particularly inspired by John Koenig's film "Sonder", which is the product of his project The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows:

Though we can read and understand the definitions of words, real or fictional, it's often better to experience the definition in some way. In the spirit of the meaning behind things, we're challenging you to explore these untranslatable words with video as your medium, illustrating their approximate definitions, the moods they reveal, or the memories they surface.

So go ahead; pick a word from this list:

Duende(Spanish) The heightened state of emotion after a particularly expressive artistic performance gives you chills, makes you smile, or causes you to cry.

Fernweh(German) Feeling homesick for a place you've never been to, or wanting to get the hell out of Dodge.

Hyggelig(Danish) This means something that has to do with cakes and sweets, cozy comfort with family at home, and candlelit darkness under blankets. Who cares if it's hard to describe, it sounds amazing!

Iktsuarpok(Inuit) The feeling of anticipation you get when expecting someone, and you keep going outside to check to see if they've arrived.

Mamihlapinatapei(Yagan) The wordless, understanding look shared by two people, each hoping the other will start something they both desire but are unwilling to suggest. Oof.

Mokita(New Guinean) The truth everyone knows but nobody talks about.

For a little extra inspiration regarding the power of words, check out the aptly named Words by Everynone, which reveals the multiple meanings we give these bits of our language. By only occasionally revealing the word they're illustrating, they compel the viewer to think about the words through the entire piece:

The Rules:

+ Create a video using one of the words above as inspiration. Remember that only videos made specifically for this Challenge will be considered.
+ Keep your video under 2 minutes long.
+ If you add music, make sure you use a song you or a buddy created, or something from the Vimeo Music Store! If you do choose to use a Music Store song, please throw a link in the description.
+ Add this at the end of your video's description: "Created for the Weekend Challenge: vimeo.com/groups/weekendchallenge"
+ Upload and post your video to the Weekend Challenge Group by ***Tuesday, July 15th, 2014*** at 11:59 PM (EST).

The Prizes:

+ The winner will receive a badge on their video, and free Vimeo Plus account for one year! If you're already a Plus member, you'll get another year.
+ The runner-up will receive an extra 3GB of upload space!

All videos must be approved by the Vimeo Staff before appearing in the Group, so don't worry if your video doesn't show up at first; we'll get to it!

Ready for a challenge?

Illustrate the untranslatable!

Accept this challenge



Gustavo Coronado

Gustavo Coronado

Ok found it, its related to either the performer or the watcher of Flamenco Art, when the person performing has duende (tener duende) or founds it (lo encuentra) its transmitted to the public. Its sort of the spirit of the performance, just like a genius loci would be the spirit of a place that enhances of a locale.

John Hrindo

John Hrindo

Iktsuarpok — (Inuit) The feeling of anticipation you get when expecting somewhere, and you keep going outside to check to see if they've arrived.

Should that read "someone" instead of "somewhere"?



Fernweh — (German) there is a third and i mean, the >me<
the most elementary definition of my perception.

A place is known to them to get. .. isnt possible ..
... , in moments of "Fernweh".

/ / How ever, this is a very interesting topic, and there is no a right or wrong in one's own, personal perception. ...

my musicvideos are better than my engl xd sry. wish @ of you a wonderful start in the new day.

Van K

Van K Plus

Do we need to shoot our own footage or do we have the option of pulling excerpts of published videos like the "Sonder" piece did.

Cameron Christopher

Cameron Christopher Staff

If you're pulling from videos with a creative commons license that allows you to remix their content, then that's a viable way to create a Challenge entry.

Andrew Leslie

Andrew Leslie Plus

Hope I made the cut! I got it in right at the wire yesterday!

Great entires this round, people!

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Lesson Summary

Take a stab at creating a visual experience for these hard-to-define words.

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